GZ0J\UNQN"E 40UN ' BUH BUV HK QN< J BUQ QN*10/3UI QI< \+2*10+(QQ*QI)UA B L K QI*2-1UJ QA/QJUQ QA-(QQ*QJ)-2\ 10@I// -1%I > QQ/10UT QH+QT+48UW QW-58"E 48UW %V ' QV"N QV^T ' QWUV QQ-(QT*10)UH > QV^T @^A/ /HKEX$$What? You say TECO macros have nothing to do with C? Damn, you're right! But, then, neither does Karl's question.
-- * Martin Ambuhl net: mambuhl@ripco.com * Chicago, IL (USA)
# TECOC-146 $ tecoc mung pi.tec,20 31415926535897932384 # Fichtenbaum TECO $ te @pi.tec 20 31415926535897932384Please note that two $$ are dollar signs, and must be replaced with two ESCs. Also, what you do is: teco @pi-macro nnn, where nnn is the numer of digits you wish to produce. It is 40 if nnn is not present.
here it is uuencoded:
begin 622 pi.tec M1UHP2EQ53E%.(D4@-#!53B`G($)52"!"558@2$L*44X\($H@0E51(%%.*C$P M+S-520I123P@7"LR*C$P*RA142I122E502!"($P@2R!122HR+3%52B!102]1 M2E51"E%!+2A142I12BDM,EP@,3!`22\O("TQ)4D@/@I142\Q,%54(%%(*U%4 M*S0X55<@45<M-3@B12`T.%57("56("<@458B3B!15EY4("<@45=55B!142TH =450J,3`I54@@/@I15EY4($!>02\*+TA+15@;&PI1 ` endAnd, by the way, Stanley Rabinowitz finally got an article published on the algorithm. If anyone is interested, you can find it at any university library: