The program consists of two parts. The second part contains the assembly instructions that generate the core algorithm for finding the Hamilton path. After the secons part is ran, it runs the first part, which contains the interface part of the program. This asks for parameters: length, height x-pos (1..length) and y-pos (1..height) of the starting position. While the program is running, the screen is updated, as the counters for the numbers of hamilton paths to each point are stored in the video RAM. After all the solutions are found, the results are printed in matrix form.
For the input: 6 6 1 1, it outputs
0 1072 0 1095 0 1770 1072 0 1420 0 1770 0 0 1420 0 1240 0 935 1095 0 1240 0 1180 0 0 1770 0 1180 0 590 1770 0 935 0 590 0 TOTAAL : 22144
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