Machine independent implementation of Cooperative Multi-threading in C
By Frans
One would expect that to implement any form of multi-threading or multi-tasking,
it would be required to use some kind of low-level machine programming, or at
least to have access to some system calls of the operation system.
Here we want to show that some form of multi-threading can be implemented in
C that is completely machine and operating system independent. It requires
some additional coding, but with using of some cleverly preprocessor symbols, the
C preprocessor can be used to do most of the work.
The Contiki operating system for 8-bit
computers makes us of Protothreads,
which are very similar to the method described here.
Another example is: Stackless
Async Subroutines for C.
Multi-tasking is the ability of an operating system to execute more than
one executable at the same time. Each executable is running in its own
address space, meaning that the executables have no way to share any of
their memory. It is nice, because this makes it impossible for any program
to damage the execution of any of the other programs running on the system.
The programs have no way to exchange any information except through the operating
system (or by reading files stored on the file system).
Multi-threading in a sense is like multi-tasking except that it is inside
a single executable (process) that there multiple lines (also called threads)
of execution. All these threads are executing in the same memory space. This
requires that there is some mechanism to keep the different threads from
modifying the memory in an unorderly way. This is usually done with a locking
mechanism based on semaphores. The programmer has to take care that these
are applied at the correct places, otherwise the program can behave in an
unexpected way. To use multi-threading
inside an executable often requires a lot of effort by the programmer, so
why would you like to use multi-threading? In case a program has to perform
tasks with different priorities, multi-threading may be the only solution.
For example, one wants the system to immediately response to each key-stroke,
and mouse interaction, but at the same time, to be able to some form of background
processing. In this case it is handy to have the background processing running
in a different thread than the forground processing, which needs to respond
to all the user interaction. (Note that it would also be possible to implement
this scheme in a multi-tasking environement with interprocess communication.)
There are two forms of multi-tasking and multi-threading, namely: preemptive
and cooperative. Cooperative multi-threading means that the threads themselves
decide at which moment they give an opportunity to another thread to do some
processing. Preemptive multi-threading means that there is some kind of out-side
agent that stops threads at regular intervals, and determines who is next.
The problem with cooperative multi-threading is that it depends on the willingness
of threads to make room for other threads. If there is a thread that gets stuck
in an endless loop, non of the other threads will ever do something more.
(This is why in Windows 3.11 one program can hang-up the whole system.)
The problem with preemptive multi-threading is that the execution of each thread
can be interrupted at any moment. At first this might not seem a problem, but
there are times at which a thread may not want to be interrupted. It also means
that number of possible interleavings of execution of the threads increases
signifincantly, beyond comprehension.
But the intention of this page is not to discuss all the ins and outs of
multi-threaded programming, as this is a subject that is described elsewhere
in sufficient detail. We will continue with the question of how to implement
cooperative multi-threading in standard C without any operating specific or
special libraries.
The nature of procedural execution
In most imperative languages (including C), each execution of a procedure
works on its own set of local parameters. That is why it is possible to have
recursive procedure (or function) calls, where a procedure calls itself
(possibly with some other procedures in between).
Furthermore, it is the case that the execution of the calling procedure is
supressed until the procedure being called has finished executing.
Very early it was discovered that this form of procedural execution could be
implemented very efficiently using a stack build into the processor. At first
this processor stack was only used for remembering where to continue the
execution in the calling procedure (the so-called return address), later on
it was also used to hold the local variables of the procedures.
In order to implement multi-threading in a language with procedural
execution it is needed to have a separate processor stack for each thread.
In a machine specific approach this means that there must be some
provision in the operating system to swap between processor stacks. This will
be different from operating system to operating system. A machine
independent solution would be not to use the processor stack,
but to build a stack for each thread using memory allocated from the heap.
(Of course, the processor stack is used by the procedures managing
all the threads and such.)
In the order to implement this idea, the following need to be done:
- Create a list of nested procedure calls,
- provide a way of allocating memory for the local data from the heap, and
- design a mechanism to implement "return addresses".
Representing the list of nested procedure calls
The list of nested procedure calls can easily be represented by
a linked list, as for example is done by the following C structure
typedef struct procedure_T
struct procedure_T *called_by;
} procedure_t;
typedef struct thread_T
procedure_t *cur_procedure;
} thread_t;
Note that the thread structure points to the deepest nested procedure
being called, and that each procedure points to it calling procedure.
Storing local data
Because each procedure has its own set of parameters and local
variables, we need to define a structure for each of the procedures
which can be part of a thread. Take for example the following
procedure definition as an example:
void f(int a, int b, int *r)
int c;
c = a + b;
c += 2 * (c + a) * b;
*r = c;
Then the following structure should be defined:
typedef struct
{ int a;
int b;
int *r;
int c;
} f_local_data_t;
Now each procedure needs to be rewritten into a procedure which
is called to this structure. For the above procedure this
would look like:
void exec_f(f_local_data_t *local_data)
local_data->c = local_data->a + local_data->b;
local_data->c += 2 * (local_data->c + local_data->a) * local_data->b;
*(local_data->r) = local_data->c;
This can be made more readable, by introducing a preprocessor symbol for the
local_data-> part, as follows:
#define V(X) (local_data->X)
void exec_f(f_local_data_t *local_data)
V(c) = V(a) + V(b);
V(c) += 2 * (V(c) + V(a)) * V(b);
*V(r) = V(c);
(If you are worried about the fact that this code is less efficient as the
original code, then there is a trick to over come this. Read on.)
Extending the stack structure
In the stack structure there should be pointers to the local data,
and the functions (like the one just above here), which can execute
on this local data. Because the stack structure has to point to
all kinds of structures like f_local_data, we will use
a void pointer with the name local_data in the
type procedure_t.
Furthermore, if we want the stack structure to
point to all the possible procedures like exec_f, they
should have the same header. One way to solve this, is to let
them operate on the thread structure. For our example function
exec_f, this would mean it needs to be changed into:
void exec_f(thread_t *thread)
{ f_local_data_t *local_data = (f_local_data_t*)thread->cur_procedure->local_data;
V(c) = V(a) + V(b);
V(c) += 2 * (V(c) + V(a)) * V(b);
*V(r) = V(c);
Now the stack types can be extended in the following way:
typedef struct procedure_T
struct procedure_T *called_by;
void (*exec_procedure)(struct thread_T *);
void *local_data;
} procedure_t;
typedef struct thread_T
procedure_t *cur_procedure;
} thread_t;
Calling an execution procedure
Below we first define a procedure which implements the
calling of a procedure with our stack structure. As
arguments it takes a pointer to a thread, a pointer
to the execution procedure, and a pointer to it local
data (as a void pointer).
#define MALLOC(T) (T*)malloc(sizeof(T))
void call_procedure(thread_t *thread, void (*exec_procedure)(thread_t *), void *local_data)
procedure_t *new_procedure = MALLOC(procedure_t);
new_procedure->called_by = thread->cur_procedure;
new_procedure->exec_procedure = exec_procedure;
new_procedure->local_data = local_data;
thread->cur_procedure = new_procedure;
Now, a call to our original procedure f of
the form "f(x, y, &z);", needs to be translated
{ f_local_data_t *local_data_f = MALLOC(f_local_data_t);
local_data_f->a = x;
local_data_f->b = y;
local_data_f->r = &z;
call_procedure(thread, exec_f, (void*)local_data_f);
The above code, does not actually call the procedure f,
it only modifies the stack, such that it can be executed.
Assumming that we follow the convenstions that all the
parameters are given names like argi, it would
be possible to define a preprocessor symbol, which does most
of the work. This would look like:
#define CALL3(T,F,A,B,C) { F##_local_data_t *local_data_##F = MALLOC(F##_local_data_t);\
local_data_##F->arg1 = A;\
local_data_##F->arg2 = B;\
local_data_##F->arg3 = C;\
call_procedure(T, exec_##F, (void*)local_data); }
(The use of "#" inside a C preprocessor symbol definition means
that the text on both sides is glued together after substitution.
Not all preprocessors support the "#" character. Some have
other means to achieve the same.)
Calling the original procedure f would now look like:
CALL3(thread, f, a, b, &r)
Now at the end of the defintion of exec_f there should
be some code that will remove it from the stack again. This can
be done by calling the following procedure:
void return_procedure(thread_t *thread)
procedure_t *called_procedure = thread->cur_procedure;
thread->cur_procedure = old_procedure->called_by;
In order to execute a thread the following procedure can be used:
void run_thread(thread_t *thread)
while(thread->cur_function != NULL)
To summarize the above, the following code is needed to execute
the original procedure call "f(x, y, &z);" in a thread:
{ thread_t *thread = MALLOC(thread_t);
CALL3(thread, f, x, y, &z)
Assuming that f_local_data_t and exec_f are
defined as follows:
typedef struct
{ int arg1;
int arg2;
int *arg3;
int c;
} f_local_data_t;
void exec_f(thread_t *thread)
{ f_local_data_t *local_data = (f_local_data_t*)thread->cur_procedure->local_data;
V(c) = V(arg1) + V(arg2);
V(c) += 2 * (V(c) + V(arg1)) * V(arg2);
*V(arg3) = V(c);
Execution of multiple threads
So far, only the methode to execute a single procedure in a
thread was discussed. If several threads are to be
executed in parallel, this means that there should be
a way to switch between threads. With cooperative
multi-threading the threads themselves have to indicate
when they are willing to give room to another thread.
Such a point is called a reschedule point.
Lets asume we have the following procedure:
void exec_proc1(thread_t *thread)
/* some code */
/* a reschedule point */
/* some more code */
This means that at the reschedule point, the procedure is
willing to let another thread continue with the
execution, and that after some time the rest of
the code is executed. If the execution of
exec_proc1 is halted at the reschedule point,
some mechanism is needed to remember where the
execution should continue the next time. To solve
this, the type procedure_t is extended
with an integer state field, and now becomes:
typedef struct procedure_T
struct procedure_T *called_by;
void (*exec_procedure)(struct thread_T *);
void *local_data;
int state;
} procedure_t;
Of course, the procedure exec_proc1 should
be adapted to deal with the state. Right at each
reschedule point there will be a statement setting the
state field of the type procedure_t, followed
by a return statement. The next time exec_proc1
is called, it should jump to the next statement
following the reschedule point. C allows us to jump to any
statement in a procedure. To achieve this, a switch
statement needs to be added, which depending
on the state jumps to the right label using a
goto-statement. Yes, I know, goto-statements are
considered evil, but in this case, they are the best
available solution 1.
To ease the pain a little, the
following definitions of preprocessor symbols can be used
to camouflage the used of goto:
#define START_RP_DEF switch (thread->cur_procedure->state) {
#define RP_DEF(X) case X: goto rp##X;
#define END_RP_DEF }
#define RESCHEDULE(X) thread->cur_procedure->state = X; return; rp##X:
With these defines, the execution procedure
exec_proc1 can now be written like:
void exec_proc1(thread_t *thread)
/* some code */
/* a reschedule point */
/* some more code */
We assume that the state field has been initialized to
zero before the execution procedure is called the first time.
The only care that needs to be taken, is that each reschedule
point has a RP_DEF line. If this is omitted, the
execution will continue from the start again. Putting in
a DB_DEF for a non-existing reschedule point, will
result in a compile-time error.
Making nested calls inside threads
To call an execution procedure inside an execution procedure
it is important to exit the current execution procedure, and
let the run_thread procedure
continue the execution of the execution procedure being called.
Calling a procedure thus also introduces a reschedule point.
The procedure call_procedure
needs to be adapted to also set the state field, in the following way:
#define MALLOC(T) (T*)malloc(sizeof(T))
void call_procedure(thread_t *thread, int rp, void (*exec_procedure)(thread_t *), void *local_data)
procedure_t *new_procedure = MALLOC(procedure_t);
thread->cur_procedure->state = rp;
new_procedure->called_by = thread->cur_procedure;
new_procedure->exec_procedure = exec_procedure;
new_procedure->local_data = local_data;
new_procedure->state = 0;
thread->cur_procedure = new_procedure;
The preprocessor define for calling an execution procedure
with three arguments should now become:
#define CALL3(R,F,A,B,C) { F##_local_data_t *local_data_##F = MALLOC(F##_local_data_t);\
local_data_##F->arg1 = A;\
local_data_##F->arg2 = B;\
local_data_##F->arg3 = C;\
call_procedure(thread, R, exec_##F, (void*)local_data); }\
return; rp##R:
Note that the first argument to this preprocessor symbols is
the unique reschedule point. Of course a RP_DEF line with
this reschedule point should occur at the top of the execution
procedure making the call. It is assumed that the thread
parameter is defined in the context where this symbol is used.
The thread manager
Although we suggested that at a reschedule point another
thread would continue execution, the above defined
run_thread procedure
would just continue executing the one and only thread.
To manage more than one thread, a thread manager is needed.
The thread manager should manage a collection of threads,
and the run_thread
procedure should stop execution of a thread at a reschedule
point. For this it is needed to extend the thread structure
with a running mode. These modifications result in
the following redefinition of the
thread_t type:
/* possible values for running_mode */
#define RM_SUSPENDED 0
#define RM_EXECUTING 1
typedef struct thread_T
struct thread_T *next;
int running_mode;
procedure_t *cur_procedure;
} thread_t;
The definition of RESCHEDULE and run_thread
should now become:
#define RESCHEDULE(X) thread->cur_procedure->state = X; \
thread->running_mode = RM_SUSPENDED; return; rp##X:
void run_thread(thread_t *thread)
while(thread->running_mode == RM_EXEUTING &&
thread->cur_function != NULL)
A thread manager should also implement a strategy for
executing the threads after each other. The most commonly
used strategy is the round robin strategy. As soon as a
thread signals a reschedule, it is put at the end of the
queue of threads, and the next thread in the queue is
executed next. For this we need a procedures for adding
a thread to the end of a list with threads. Which is:
void append_thread(thread_t **ref_the_threads, thread_t *a_thread)
while (*ref_the_threads != NULL)
ref_thread = &((*ref_the_threads)->next);
*ref_thread = a_thread;
A simple thread manager would now look like:
thread_t *runnable_threads = NULL;
void exec_threads()
while (runnable_threads != NULL)
{ thread_t *first_thread;
/* Take the first thread of the list */
first = runnable_threads;
runnable_threads = first_thread->next;
first_thread->next = NULL;
/* Execute the first thread */
first_thread->running_mode = RM_EXECUTING;
/* If thread has not completed, append it to the end of the list */
if (first_thread->cur_function != NULL)
append_thread(&runnable_threads, first_thread);
The variable runnable_threads was placed outside the procedure
on purpose, otherwise it would not be possible to create threads
for within threads. The next section deals about the topic of
thread creation.
Thread creation
Whenever a thread is created, the procedure which should be
executed as the top-level procedure of the thread, and its
local data should be provided. The following procedure creates
a thread with these parameters and places it at the end of
the queue of threads.
void create_thread(void (*exec_procedure)(thread_t *), void *local_data)
procedure_t *new_procedure = MALLOC(procedure_t);
thread_t *new_thread = MALLOC(thread_t);
new_procedure->called_by = thread->cur_procedure;
new_procedure->exec_procedure = exec_procedure;
new_procedure->local_data = local_data;
new_procedure->state = 0;
new_thread->running_mode = RM_SUSPENDED;
new_thread->next = NULL;
new_thread->cur_procedure = new_procedure;
append_thread(&runnable_threads, new_thread);
Note that thread creation can both be done outside the
execution of exec_threads as a way to create the
initial queue of threads, as during the execution of a
thread within exec_threads as a way of dynamic
thread creation.
Simularily to the CALL defines, we can also make defines
for thread creation. Below the definition of CREATE3
is given.
#define CREATE3(F,A,B,C) { F##_local_data_t *local_data_##F = MALLOC(F##_local_data_t);\
local_data_##F->arg1 = A;\
local_data_##F->arg2 = B;\
local_data_##F->arg3 = C;\
create_thread(exec_##F, (void*)local_data); }
Syncronization between threads
With cooperative multi-threading it is technically speaking
not necessary to implement syncronization between threads,
as it would be needed with pre-emptive multi-tasking, because
threads simply can delay rescheduling until they are done with
their work. However, if we would have some form of interrupt
handling implemented, it could be possible that some threads
want to sleep until they are awoken by a certain event.
Below a simple signaling method is described. Basically,
there are two primitives. One is "wait for signal", the other
is "give signal". Both of these these primitives need an
argument to identify the particular signal they syncronize
on. For this purpose the type signal_t will be
introduced. This type will just contain a list of waiting
threads, which are queued in the list of runnable threads.
The type signal_t is defined as follows:
typedef struct
thread_t *waiting_threads;
The "wait for signal" primative should place the thread from
which it is executed into the list of waiting threads of the
signal. It should also introduce a waiting point, and to
keep exec_threads to
put it in the queue of runnable threads, an additional
running mode need to be introduced. Because the execution
of the thread is suspended, a reschedule point needs to
introduced. Below the preprocessor symbol to implement
the "wait for signal" primative is given:
#define WAIT_FOR_SIGNAL(X,S) append_thread(&(S)->waiting_threads, thread); \
thread->cur_procedure->state = X; \
thread->running_mode = RM_WAIT_FOR_SIGNAL; return; rp##X:
The procedure exec_threads
needs to be modified. An additional condition should be added
to prevent the thread from being queued as a runnable thread:
/* If thread has not completed, append it to the end of the list */
if (first_thread->cur_function != NULL
&& first_thread->running_mode == RM_SUSPENDED)
append_thread(&runnable_threads, first_thread);
Now only the primitive "give signal" needs to be implemented,
which is rather straight forward:
void signal(signal_t *a_signal)
append_thread(&runnable_threads, a_signal->waiting_signals);
a_signal->waiting_signals = NULL;
#define GIVE_SIGNAL(S) signal((S));
(I admit, this code is a little tricky because it uses the
the fact that append_thread does not modify the
next field of the thread being added. Thus it
allows you to append a list of threads.)
Resource locking
Another form of waiting occurs when a thread wants to make
used of a shared resource. In this case only the first thread
waiting for a resource needs to be made runnable. And it is
also needed to remember which thread has claimed the
resource. There are two primitives: "claim resource" and
"release resource". Again we define a type, called resource_t
as the means of identifying a resource, and administrating its
typedef struct
thread_t *requesting_threads;
thread_t *claimed_by;
} resource_t;
The "claim resource" primitive makes us of the function
claim_resource which returns one if the resource
could be claimed, otherwise zero. If the resource could
not be claimed the thread has to be suspended until the
resource becomes available. For this a reschedule point
is needed. Also a new running mode will be introduced.
This results in the following definitions:
#define CLAIM_RESOURCE(X,R) if (!claim_resource(thread, R)) \
{ thread->cur_procedure->state = X; \
thread->running_mode = RM_WAIT_FOR_RESOURCE; return; } \
int claim_resource(thread_t *a_thread, resource_t *a_resource)
if (a_resource->claimed_by == NULL)
a_resource->claimed_by = a_thread;
return 1;
append_thread(&a_resource->requesting_threads, a_thread);
return 0;
Although, there is no reason to reschedule a thread which
is releasing a resource, it still might be wise, because
otherwise there might be a change that the current thread
will claim the resource before any of the other resources
can do so, which could be undesirable effect.
Here we leave it open to the user
to add a RESCHEDULE statement or not. The procedure
for releasing a resource looks as follows:
#define RELEASE_RESOURCE(R) release_resource(R);
void release_resource(resource_t *a_resource)
a_resource->claimed_by = NULL;
if (a_resource->requesting_threads != NULL)
a_resource->claimed_by = a_resource->requesting_threads;
a_resource->requestion_threads = a_resource->requesting_threads->next;
append_thread(&runnable_threads, a_resource->claimed_by);
As you can see, this procedure will take care of making the
next thread requesting the resource runnable, and also makes
it claim the resource, otherwise another thread might claim
it in the mean time.
As soon as resource locking has been introduced dead-locks
can occur, whenever there is a cycle of threads all having
locked some resource that the next thread in the cycle is
waiting for. There is a simple test to see if dead-lock
has occured, as there should be a last thread closing the
cycle. Each thread can wait for at most one resource, and
each resource can be claimed by at most one thread. It is
thus sufficient to add a pointer in the
thread structure to the resource it is waiting for.
As follows2:
typedef struct thread_T
struct thread_T *next;
int running_mode;
procedure_t *cur_procedure;
resource_t *waiting_for_resource;
} thread_t;
Furthermore, the new field waiting_for_resource
has to be set correctly in
claim_resource and
as follows:
int claim_resource(thread_t *a_thread, resource_t *a_resource)
if (a_resource->claimed_by == NULL)
a_resource->claimed_by = a_thread;
return 1;
a_tread->waiting_for_resource = a_resource;
append_thread(&a_resource->requesting_threads, a_thread);
return 0;
void release_resource(resource_t *a_resource)
a_resource->claimed_by = NULL;
if (a_resource->requesting_threads != NULL)
a_resource->claimed_by = a_resource->requesting_threads;
a_resource->requestion_threads = a_resource->requesting_threads->next;
a_resource->claimed_by->waiting_for_resource = NULL;
append_thread(&runnable_threads, a_resource->claimed_by);
With this we can define a function that would return
true if one in case claiming a given resource by a given thread
would result in a dead-lock situation and zero otherwise as follows:
int dead_lock(thread_t *a_thread, resource_t *a_resource)
if (a_resource->claimed_by != NULL)
thread_t *cb_thread = a_resource->claimed_by;
while (cb_thread != NULL && cb_thread != a_thread)
resource_t *wf_resource = cb_thread->waiting_for_resource;
if (wf_resource == NULL)
cb_thread = NULL;
cb_thread = wf_resource->claimed_by;
return cb_thread == a_thread;
return 0;
This function can be used when the programmer suspects
that a certain resource claim could result in a dead-lock
situation. Normally, the occurence of dead-locks should
be prevented by always claiming resources in a fixed order.
In some cases this might not be avoided, or be more convenient.
However, it requires additional programming to deal with
the occurence of a dead-lock, which means to release earlier
claimed resources. Here it is also better than preventing
is better than curing.
Sometimes it is needed to suspend a thread until a certian
period has elapsed. In our implementation, it is needed to
make a special provision for timers. It can be simply handled
by the thread itself which in a loop checks if the time
has passed, and preforms a rescheduling once the desired
time has not been reached yet. Of course, it can be implemented
as part of the thread structure, if needed.
Prioritized threads
A challinging extention is to give threads different
priorities depending on their importance. Implementing
priorities is far from trivial, and requires a lot
of changes in the code that was presented so far.
Performance improvements
It is indeed the case that the use of local_data->X
introduces an additional pointer dereferencing. All parameters and
local variables need at least one pointer dereferencing because
they are stored on the stack. On modern processors, even global
variables need a pointer dereferencing because they are placed on
the a global data segment. The use of local_data->X adds an
additional pointer dereferencing needed for local variables. If the
local variables are referenced a lot, there is a construct that might actually
save execution time. The idea is store the data that local_data is pointing
to on the stack with an additional copy operation, and copy it back afterwards.
So we rewrite the example code:
#define V(X) local_data->X
void exec_f(thread_t *thread)
{ f_local_data_t *local_data = (f_local_data_t*)thread->cur_procedure->local_data;
V(c) = V(arg1) + V(arg2);
V(c) += 2 * (V(c) + V(arg1)) * V(arg2);
*V(arg3) = V(c);
into the code:
#define V(X) local_data.X
void exec_f(thread_t *thread)
{ f_local_data_t local_data;
memcpy(local_data, (f_local_data_t*)thread->cur_procedure->local_data, sizeof(local_data));
V(c) = V(arg1) + V(arg2);
V(c) += 2 * (V(c) + V(arg1)) * V(arg2);
*V(arg3) = V(c);
memcpy((f_local_data_t*)thread->cur_procedure->local_data, local_data, sizeof(local_data));
Good optimizing compilers translate memcpy into memory moving instructions,
which are known to be very fast.
Use the C Preprocessor
The trick which we have used to implement cooperative multi-threading
is that of making objects of procedure calls. In an object oriented
language we would have created one class (probably as a subclass of
a class named ThreadProcedure) for each procedure. Calling a procedure
is then nothing else as creating an object of this class. In practice
the technique of turning procedures in classes is used also for other
types of implementation problems. Think for example about the
abstract factory design pattern, in which the procedure to
create and initialize an object is encapsulated in a class which
produces these kind of objects. Also the state design pattern
is a method of encapsulating a procedure inside a object.
- The alternative would be to place all the different
parts of the code inside a big select statement.
This was my initial idea to solve this problem.
But then I thought that if the the reschedule point
occurs in the middle of a control statement (e.g.,
a if or while statement) the code needs to be flattend
out. And there is no easy way of doing this, then
with the use of goto statements. Which are exactly
the things we wanted to avoid in the first place.
However, when studying the implementation of
I discovered that with a case you can jump in the middle
of control statements (of course, as long as not another
switch statement it used), and that flattening is not
- With this type definition we did not take into
account the particular order in which the various
type definitions occur in the actual source.
It might thus be needed to replace "resource_t"
by something like "struct resource_T", and
modify the definition of resource_t.
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