I never wrote down the grammar for the language, and I have also lost the Basic program. I did start writing a compiler for yet another (more elegant and powerful) language named Ecom using this language. The syntax of Ecom resembles that of the small language. This code did survive. What follows is based on analysing this code.
adding, +c
adding with carry,
subtracting, -c
subtracting with carry,
bitwise and, |
bitwise inclusive or,
and :
bitwise exclusive or.
All these operators have the same priority, and are executed from left
to right. Brackets can be used, if needed.
The following compare operators can be used to create conditional
expressions: <>
, <=
, <
, >=
, and =
Each conditonal expression should contain exactly one compare operator
Logical expressions are not available.
, then
, else
, and fi
The repeat-statement starts with the rep
keyword, which
can be followed by any number of statements, and ends with a modified
form of the if-statement, which starts with the keyword rif
In the clauses of this if-statement the keyword per
be used to indicate that execution should continue at the start of
the repeat-statement.
, and writel
, a string can be printed,
where the writel
will add a line break at the end.
Both these procedure can either have a constant string, or an array variable
as their argument.
The procedure readln
, which should be called with an array
variable, reads a single line from the current channel.
The procedure use
, which takes an integer constant, can be
used to select the current input/output channel.
The procedure aux
, which takes an integer constant, can be
used to select the input/output mode.
The procedure open
, which takes an string argument, can be
used to open a file, and the procedure close
, which takes
an integer constant, can be used to close a channel.
The procedure dos
, which has no arguments, can be used
to terminate the program and return to the Atari DOS prompt.
root : program eof . program : ("var" (var_name ( "[" int "]" | "@" int )OPT )LIST ";" )OPT ("proc" proc_name ( "(" var_name ")" )OPT ";" program )CHAIN ";" OPT "begin" statements "end". statements : (statement CHAIN ";")OPT. statement : var_name "[" expr "]" "=" expr | var_name "=" expr | "@" var_name "=" expr | "if" cond_expr "then" statements "per" OPT ("elif" cond_expr "then" statements "per" OPT)SEQ OPT ("else" statements "per" OPT)OPT "fi" | "rep" statements "rif" cond_expr "then" statements "per" OPT ("elif" cond_expr "then" statements "per" OPT)SEQ OPT ("else" statements "per" OPT)OPT "fi" | "return" expr | proc_name ("(" expr ")")OPT | "use" "(" int ")" | "aux" "(" int ")" | "open" "(" (var_name | string_const) ")" | "close" "(" int ")" | "write" "(" (var_name | string_const) ")" | "writel" "(" (var_name | string_const) ")" | "readln" "(" var_name ")" | "dos" . cond_expr : exprr ("<>" | "<=" | "<" | ">=" | ">" | "=") expr | expr . expr : int | char_const | "(" expr ")" | "@" var_name | proc_name "(" expr ")" | var_name ("[" expr "]")OPT | expr ("+" | "+c" | "-" | "-c" | "&" | "|" | ":") expr .The terminals are defined as follows:
int : ("0" .. "9")SEQ. char_const : "'" any_char "'". string_cons : "'" non_single_quote_char "'". var_name : ("a" .. "z")SEQ. proc_name : ("a" .. "z")SEQ.
var a@218, as[80]These are used to store a line from the input. The variable
is placed in the zero-page.
top, depth, first[11],Used to manage the nested identifier scopes.
id[10],Contains the last identifier read from the input.
vn[100],ve[100],vt[100], vd[100],vv[100],vy[100], leng[100],type[100], adrl[100],adrh[100],Used to store information of up to hundered identifiers, with their storage length, type (e.g. procedure or variable name), and address.
pnr,padl[40],padh[40], sym, char[1], len,type,vnr, cl,ch,vl,vh, code[2],pcl,pch,(Unknown)
stack[100],sp,Contains the stack used during parsing.
ast,st, labk[3], labell[100],labelh[100],lnr, rlab, op, ofsetl,ofseth, startl,starth, file[16],flen;
proc err; begin use(0);writel('error'); char[0]=as[a]; write('at ');writel(char); readln(as); close(1);close(2); dos end; proc typerr; begin use(0);writel('wrong type');err end;
proc space; begin rep rif as[a]=155 then use(1); readln(as); use(0); writel(as); use(2); a=0 per elif as[a]=' ' then a=a+1 per fi end; proc symbol; begin space sym=scan(as) end; proc expect(s); begin if sym<>s then use(0);char[0]=s;write(char); writel(' expected');err fi; symbol end; proc expch(ch); begin if as[a]<>ch then use(0);char[0]=ch;write(char); writel(' expected');err fi; a=a+1; symbol end; proc testch(ch); begin if as[a]=ch then a=a+1; symbol; return 255 else return 0 fi end;
proc ident; var i,ch; proc add; begin if i<6 then id[i]=ch; i=i+1 fi; a=a+1 end; begin space; i=0; rep ch=as[a] rif ch>='a' then if ch<='z' then add per fi elif ch>='0' then if ch<='9' then if i<>0 then add per fi fi fi; if i=0 then return 0 else rep rif i<6 then id[i]=' ';i=i+1 per fi fi return 255 end; proc lookup(eind); var i; begin i=top; rep i=i+1 rif i>=eind then if id[0]=vn[i] then if id[1]=ve[i] then if id[2]=vt[i] then if id[3]=vd[i] then if id[4]=vv[i] then if id[5]=vy[i] then typ=type[i]; len=leng[i]; vnr=i;return i fi fi fi fi fi fi per fi; typ=0; return 0; end; proc addvar; begin vn[top]=id[0]; ve[top]=id[1]; vt[top]=id[2]; vd[top]=id[3]; vv[top]=id[4]; vy[top]=id[5]; leng[top]=len; type[top]=typ; top=top+1; if top>99 then use(0); writel('too many vars');err fi end; proc uniek begin if lookup(first[depth])<>0 then use(0); writel('double def'); err fi end;
proc const; var i; proc readc(base); var d; proc add(v); var lo,hi,i; begin lo=cl;hi=ch;i=1; rep i=i+1;lo=lo+ cl;hi=hi+c ch rip i<base then per fi; cl=lo+v;ch=hi+c0 end; proc digit; var ch; begin ch=as[a]; if ch<='9' then if ch>='0' then return ch-'0' fi elif ch<='f' then if ch>='a' then return ch-'a'+10 fi fi;return 255 end; begin rep d=digit rif d<base then add(d);a=a+1;i=i+1 per fi end; begin i=0;ch=0;cl=0; if testch(''')<>0 then i=1;cl=as[a];a=a+1; expch(''') elif testch('#')<>0 then readc(16) elif testch('b')<>0 then readc(2) else readch(10) fi; symbol; return i; end
proc c(cod) begin @code=cod; code[0]=code[0]+1;code[1]=code[1]+c0; pcl=pcl+1;pch=pch+c0 end; proc push(i) begin stack[sp]=i; sp=sp+1; if sp=100 then use(0);writel('stckover');err fi end; proc pop; begin if sp=0 then use(0);writel('stckunder');err fi sp=sp-1; return stack[sp] end; proc adrvnr; begin vl=adrl(vnr); vh=adrh(vnr) end; proc pla; begin if ast=1 then c(104) fi end; proc pha; begin if ast=1 then c(72) fi end; proc pusha; begin push(ast);pha;ast=0 end; proc incvnr; begin vl=vl+1;vh=vh+c0 end; proc acode; begin c(vl);c(vh) end; proc icode(i); begin if i=0 then c(208) elif i=1 then c(144);c(5);c(240) elif i=2 then c(144); elif i=3 then c(176); elif i=4 then c(144);c(2);c(268) elif i=5 then c(240) fi; c(3) end; proc lcode; begin if st>12 then c(8);c(169);c(255);c(40); icode(st-25);c(169);c(0);c(234); st=1 fi end; proc mcode(base); begin lcode; if st<=3 then if st=1 then c(133) elif st=2 then c(135) else c(132) fi; c(212); if st=1 then c(104) fi; c(base-4);c(212) elif st=4 then c(base);c(cl) elif st=5 then c(base+4);acode elif st=6 then c(base+20);acode elif st=7 then c(base+16);acode elif if vh<>0 then pha;c(173);c(vl);c(vh); c(133);c(213);incvnr; c(173);c(vl);ch(vh); c(133);c(214);vl=213;pla fi; if st=8 then c(base-8) else c(base+8) fi; c(vl) fi; st=1 end; proc sta; begin if st=1 then elif st=2 then c(170) elif st=3 then c(168) elif st>=5 then if st<=9 then mcode(137) else typerr fi else typerr fi end; prov lda; begin lcode; if st<>1 then pha; ast=1; if st=2 then c(138) elif st=3 then c(152) else mcode(169) fi; st=1 fi end; proc ocode; begin if op=17 then sta elif op=18 then mcode(105) elif op=19 then c(24);mcode(105) elif op=20 then mcode(233) elif op=21 then c(56);mcode(233) elif op=22 then mcode(41) elif op=23 then mcode(9) elif op=24 then mcode(73) else mcode(201);st=op fi end; proc jmpto(lab); begin c(242);c(76);c(lab) end; proc makelab(lab); begin labell[lab]=pcl;labelh[lab]=pch end; proc newlab; begin if lnr=99 then use(0);writel('tm lab');err fi; lnr=lnr+1 end; proc jmptol(l); begin if labk[l]=0 then labk[l]=newlab fi; jmpto(labk(l)) end; proc makecl(l); begin if labk[l]<>0 then makelabel(labk[l]) fi end; proc monad(s); begin if st=2 then if s=1 then c(232) elif s=2 then c(202) else typerr fi elif st=3 then if s=1 then c(200) elif s=2 then c(184) else typerr fi else if s=1 then s=238 elif s=2 then s=206 elif s=3 then s=14 elif s=4 then s=46 elif s=5 then s=78 elif s=6 then s=110 else typerr; if st=5 then c(s);acode elif st=6 then c(s+16);acode else typerr fi fi end;
list : expr CHAIN ";".is parsed by:
proc list; begin if sym>=8 then if sym<=14 then st=1;return 0 fi fi; rep ast=0;st=0;expr rif testch(';')<>0 then per fi; if ast=0 then lda fi end
do_expr : "do" list "od".is parsed by:
proc doexpr; begin rlab=rlab+1;labell[rlab]=pcl;labelh[rlab]=pch; push(labk[0]);labk[0]=0; pusha;list;ast=pop;st=1; if sym=12 then symbol;c(76);c(labell[rlab]); c(labelh[rlab]) fi; expect(14); makecl(0);labk[0]=pop;rlab=rlab-1 end
if_expr : "if" expr "then" list ("elif" expr "then" list)SEQ OPT ("else" list)OPT "fi"is parsed by:
proc ifexpr; var nlab; proc endthen; begin if sym=12 then if rlab=0 then err fi; symbol;c(76);c(labell[rlab]); c(labelh[rlab]) elif sym=13 then if rlab=0 then err fi; symbol;jmptol(0) elif sym<>11 then jmptol(1) fi end; begin push(labk[1]);labk(1)=0; push(labk[1]);push(nlab);pusha; rep nlab=newlab;labk[2]=0; rep symbol;ast=0;st=0;expr; if st<12 then lda;st=25 fi rif sym=16 then icode(30-st);jmptol(2) per else icode(st-25);jmpto(nlab); if sym=15 then per fi; expect(6);makecl(2); list;endthen;makelab(nlab) fi; rif sym=9 then per elif sym=10 then symbol;list;endthen fi; expect(11); makel(1);ast=pop;st=1; nlab=pop;labk[2]=pop;labk[1]=pop end;
array ("." const)OPT ("[" expr "]")OPT.is parsed by:
proc array; bein if typ=2 then adrvnr;st=5 elif if typ<>3 then typerr fi; if testch('.')<>0 then const else cl=0 fi; if testch('[')<>0 then push(cl); push(ast);push(vnr); expr;lcode;vnr=pop; if st=1 then c(168) elif st<=3 then st=st+4 elif st=4 then c( );c(cl);st=7; elif st=5 then c( );c(vl);c(vh);st=7 else pha;mcode(169);c(168); st=1 fi; ast=pop; if st=1 then st=7;pla fi; cl=pop;expch(']') else st=5 fi; vl=adrl(vnr)+ cl;vh=adrh(vnr)+c0 fi end;
proc expid; begin if ident=0 then use(0);writel('no id');err elif lookup(1)=0 then use(0);writel('undef');err fi; symbol end;
factor : "(" expr ")" | "a" | "x" | "y" | do_expr | if_expr | "begin" list "end" | "?" ident array | const | ident ( array | "(" var ")" )OPT .is parsed by:
proc factor; begin if testch('(')<>0 then expr;expch(')') elif testch('a')<>0 then st=1 elif testch('x')<>0 then st=2 elif testch('y')<>0 then st=3 elif sym=7 then symbol;doexpr elif sym=5 then ifexpr elif sym=4 then symbol;pusha;list;ast=pop;expect(8) elif testch('?')<>0 then expid;array; if st=5 then c(160);c(0);st=9 elif st=6 then st=8 elif st=7 then st=9 fi elif sym<>0 then use(0);writel('ilsym');err elif const<>0 then st=4 else expid; if typ>=2 then array else pusha; if len>0 then expch('(');push(vnr); expr;lda;var;pop; expch(')') fi; if type[vnr]=0 then c(242);c(32);c(adrh[vnr]) else c(32);c(adrl[vnr]);c(adrh[vnr]) fi; st=1;ast=pop fi fi end;
oper : "->" | "+c" | "+" | "-" | "-c" | "&" | "|" | ":" | "<>" | "<=" | "<" | ">=" | ">" | "=" | "inc" | "dec" | "ror" | "rol" | "lsr" | "asl" .is parsed by:
proc oper; begin if sym>=17 then if sym<36 then op=sym;symbol;return 1 fi fi; return 0 end;
expr : factor CHAIN oper.is parsed by:
proc expr; begin factor; if oper<>0 then lda; rep if st>12 then lcode fi; if op>=33 then const; if op=33 then op= elif op=34 then op= elif op=35 then op= else op= fi; cl=cl&7; rep c(op);cl=cl-1 rif cl>0 then per fi else push(op);factor;op=pop; opcode fi rif oper<>0 then per fi fi end;
vars : "var" ( ident ( "[" const "]" | "?" | "$" )OPT ( "@" const )OPT ) CHAIN "," ";" .is parsed by:
proc vars; begin symbol; rep ident; uniek; space; if testch('[')<gt;0 then const; len=cl;typ=3; space;expch(']') else testch('?') then len=2;typ=3 elif testch('$') then len=3;typ=3 else len=1;typ=1 fi; if testch('@')<gt;0 then const;space else cl=ofsetl;ch=ofseth; ofsetl=cl+len;ofseth+c0 fi; adrl[top]=cl;adrh[top]=ch; addvar; rif testch(',')<gt;0 then per fi; expch(';') end;
procs : ident ( "(" ident ")" )OPT ":" vars OPT procs SEQ OPT factor ";" .is parsed by:
proc procs; var par begin symbol;ident; if lookup(first[depth])=0 then typ=1;var=top; if as[a]='(' then len=1 else len=0 fi; addvar else if typ<>0 then err fi; len=leng[vnr] fi; push(vnr); depth=depth+1; if depth>10 then use(0);writel('too deep');err fi; first[depth]=top; if len=1 then expch('(');ident;push(vnr) adrl[top]=ofsetl;adrh[top]=ofseth; ofsetl=ofsetl+1;ofseth=ofseth+c0;addvar;expch(')') else push(0) fi; expch(':'); if sym=1 then vars fi; rep rif sym=3 then procs per fi; par=pop;vnr=pop;typ=type[vnr]; if typ=0 then symbol;pnr=pnr+1; adrl[vnr]=pnr;typ=0 fi; if typ=1 then adrl[vnr]=pcl;adrl[vnr]=pch; if par<>0 then c(141);c(adrl[par]);c(adrh[par]) fi; factor; c(96) fi;expch(';'); top=first[depth]; depth=depth-1 end;
program : vars OPT procs SEQ OPT "begin" list "end".is parsed the first time by:
proc passone; begin first[0]=1;depth=0;top=1; sp=0;pnr=0; lnr=0;rlab=0; file[flen]=84;file[flen+1]=88; file[flen+2]=84; use(0);write('reading: ');writel(file); use(1);aux(4);open(file); a=0;as[0]=155; symbol; if sym=1 then vars fi; rep rif sym=3 then procs per fi; startl=pcl;starth=pch; expect(4);list;c(96); if sym<gt;8 then err fi; use(0); writel('program o.k.'); close(1) end;The second pass, patches the code, such that the right addresses are filled in:
proc passtwo; var endl,endh; proc w(op); begin char[0]=0;write(char); end; proc n; var res; begin res=@code; code[0]=code[0]+1;code[1]=code[1]+c0; return res end; proc trans(op); begin if op&8=0 then if op=32 then w(op); w(n); w(n) elif op&159=0 then w(op); elif op&15<>2 then w(op);w(n) elif op=242 then op=n;w(op); if op=32 then op=n;w(padl[op]);w(padh[op]) else op=n;w(labell[op]);w(padh[op]) fi fi elif op&13=8 then w(op) elif op&31=9 then w(op);w(n) else w(op);w(n);w(n) fi end; begin endl=code[0];endh=code[1];code[0]=...;code[1]=... rep trans(n) rif code[1]<endh then per elif code[0]<endl then per fi; w.. end;The main body of the program is missing.