Programming the Gigatron

This page is about my own attempt to understand and program the Gigatron TTL Color Micro-computer. I made use of the files on kervinck/gigatron-rom at GitHub. Disclaimer: this is not an official Gigatron page and I am not responsible for errors it contains. This page could become outdated in case a new revision of the ROM is released.


The CPU implemented by the TTL IC's of the Gigatron has a Harvard architecture, which means that it does not have a shared bus for the ROM and the RAM. Actually, the ROM is only used to store instructions and there are no instruction to access the ROM directly. (Nevertheless, there is a clever trick by which it is possible to 'read' data from the ROM.) The CPU is an 8-bit processor with a 14-bit program counter and a 15-bit RAM range. It has three 8-bit registers and an 8-bit input and output.

CPU instructions

I rewrote the gtemu.c program such that it would print out what the different instruction actually do in some pseudo-C. After a lot of revisions, this resulted in the following table. The numbers on the rows and columns need to be added together to get the instruction number. I changed the order of the rows such that similar (or the same) instrucions are grouped together. The 'function' hi returns the high byte of the value. It should be noted that the value used to access the RAM is 'clipped' to 0x7fff as there is only 32 kilobyte of RAM. The program counter is incremented after all instructions, except the instructions that modify it. In case an instruction performs two operations, a semi-collon is used for separation.
   # 00                    # 20                        # 40                        # 60                        # 80                        # a0                        # c0                       # e0
00 # A = oper              # A &= oper                 # A |= oper                 # A ^= oper                 # A += oper                 # A -= oper                 # RAM[oper] = oper         # PC = (Y>>8)|oper                 
04 # A = oper              # A &= oper                 # A |= oper                 # A ^= oper                 # A += oper                 # A -= oper                 # RAM[X] = oper            # if (A < 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper      
08 # A = oper              # A &= oper                 # A |= oper                 # A ^= oper                 # A += oper                 # A -= oper                 # RAM[(Y>>8)|oper] = oper  # if (A > 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper      
0c # A = oper              # A &= oper                 # A |= oper                 # A ^= oper                 # A += oper                 # A -= oper                 # RAM[(Y>>8)|X] = oper     # if (A != 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper     
10 # X = oper              # X = A & oper              # X = A | oper              # X = A ^ oper              # X = A + oper              # X = A - oper              # RAM[oper] = oper; X = A  # if (A == 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper     
14 # Y = oper              # Y = A & oper              # Y = A | oper              # Y = A ^ oper              # Y = A + oper              # Y = A - oper              # RAM[oper] = oper; Y = A  # if (A <= 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper     
18 # OUT = oper            # OUT = A & oper            # OUT = A | oper            # OUT = A ^ oper            # OUT = A + oper            # OUT = A - oper            # RAM[oper] = oper         # if (A >= 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper     
1c # OUT = oper; X++       # OUT = A & oper; X++       # OUT = A | oper; X++       # OUT = A ^ oper; X++       # OUT = A + oper; X++       # OUT = A - oper; X++       # RAM[(Y>>8)|X++] = oper   # PC = hi(PC)|oper                 
01 # A = RAM[oper]         # A &= RAM[oper]            # A |= RAM[oper]            # A ^= RAM[oper]            # A += RAM[oper]            # A -= RAM[oper]            # RAM[oper] = undef        # PC = (Y>>8)|RAM[oper]            
05 # A = RAM[X]            # A &= RAM[X]               # A |= RAM[X]               # A ^= RAM[X]               # A += RAM[X]               # A -= RAM[X]               # RAM[X] = undef           # if (A < 0) PC = hi(PC)|RAM[oper] 
09 # A = RAM[(Y>>8)|oper]  # A &= RAM[(Y>>8)|oper]     # A |= RAM[(Y>>8)|oper]     # A ^= RAM[(Y>>8)|oper]     # A += RAM[(Y>>8)|oper]     # A -= RAM[(Y>>8)|oper]     # RAM[(Y>>8)|oper] = undef # if (A > 0) PC = hi(PC)|RAM[oper] 
0d # A = RAM[(Y>>8)|X]     # A &= RAM[(Y>>8)|X]        # A |= RAM[(Y>>8)|X]        # A ^= RAM[(Y>>8)|X]        # A += RAM[(Y>>8)|X]        # A -= RAM[(Y>>8)|X]        # RAM[(Y>>8)|X] = undef    # if (A != 0) PC = hi(PC)|RAM[oper]
11 # X = RAM[oper]         # X = A & RAM[oper]         # X = A | RAM[oper]         # X = A ^ RAM[oper]         # X = A + RAM[oper]         # X = A - RAM[oper]         # RAM[oper] = undef; X = A # if (A == 0) PC = hi(PC)|RAM[oper]
15 # Y = RAM[oper]         # Y = A & RAM[oper]         # Y = A | RAM[oper]         # Y = A ^ RAM[oper]         # Y = A + RAM[oper]         # Y = A - RAM[oper]         # RAM[oper] = undef; Y = A # if (A <= 0) PC = hi(PC)|RAM[oper]
19 # OUT = RAM[oper]       # OUT = A & RAM[oper]       # OUT = A | RAM[oper]       # OUT = A ^ RAM[oper]       # OUT = A + RAM[oper]       # OUT = A - RAM[oper]       # RAM[oper] = undef        # if (A >= 0) PC = hi(PC)|RAM[oper]
1d # OUT = RAM[(Y>>8)|X++] # OUT = A & RAM[(Y>>8)|X++] # OUT = A | RAM[(Y>>8)|X++] # OUT = A ^ RAM[(Y>>8)|X++] # OUT = A + RAM[(Y>>8)|X++] # OUT = A - RAM[(Y>>8)|X++] # RAM[(Y>>8)|X++] = undef  # PC = hi(PC)|RAM[oper]            
02 # /*nop*/               # /*nop*/                   # /*nop*/                   # A = 0                     # A *= 2                    # A = 0                     # RAM[oper] = A            # PC = (Y>>8)|A                    
06 # /*nop*/               # /*nop*/                   # /*nop*/                   # A = 0                     # A *= 2                    # A = 0                     # RAM[X] = A               # if (A < 0) PC = hi(PC)|A         
0a # /*nop*/               # /*nop*/                   # /*nop*/                   # A = 0                     # A *= 2                    # A = 0                     # RAM[(Y>>8)|oper] = A     # if (A > 0) PC = hi(PC)|A         
0e # /*nop*/               # /*nop*/                   # /*nop*/                   # A = 0                     # A *= 2                    # A = 0                     # RAM[(Y>>8)|X] = A        # if (A != 0) PC = hi(PC)|A        
12 # X = A                 # X = A                     # X = A                     # X = 0                     # X = 2*A                   # X = 0                     # RAM[oper] = A; X = A     # if (A == 0) PC = hi(PC)|A        
16 # Y = A                 # Y = A                     # Y = A                     # Y = 0                     # Y = 2*A                   # Y = 0                     # RAM[oper] = A; Y = A     # if (A <= 0) PC = hi(PC)|A        
1a # OUT = A               # OUT = A                   # OUT = A                   # OUT = 0                   # OUT = 2*A                 # OUT = 0                   # RAM[oper] = A            # if (A >= 0) PC = hi(PC)|A        
1e # OUT = A; X++          # OUT = A; X++              # OUT = A; X++              # OUT = 0; X++              # OUT = 2*A; X++            # OUT = 0; X++              # RAM[(Y>>8)|X++] = A      # PC = hi(PC)|A                    
03 # A = IN                # A &= IN                   # A |= IN                   # A ^= IN                   # A += IN                   # A -= IN                   # RAM[oper] = IN           # PC = (Y>>8)|IN                   
07 # A = IN                # A &= IN                   # A |= IN                   # A ^= IN                   # A += IN                   # A -= IN                   # RAM[X] = IN              # if (A < 0) PC = hi(PC)|IN        
0b # A = IN                # A &= IN                   # A |= IN                   # A ^= IN                   # A += IN                   # A -= IN                   # RAM[(Y>>8)|oper] = IN    # if (A > 0) PC = hi(PC)|IN        
0f # A = IN                # A &= IN                   # A |= IN                   # A ^= IN                   # A += IN                   # A -= IN                   # RAM[(Y>>8)|X] = IN       # if (A != 0) PC = hi(PC)|IN       
13 # X = IN                # X = A & IN                # X = A | IN                # X = A ^ IN                # X = A + IN                # X = A - IN                # RAM[oper] = IN; X = A    # if (A == 0) PC = hi(PC)|IN       
17 # Y = IN                # Y = A & IN                # Y = A | IN                # Y = A ^ IN                # Y = A + IN                # Y = A - IN                # RAM[oper] = IN; Y = A    # if (A <= 0) PC = hi(PC)|IN       
1b # OUT = IN              # OUT = A & IN              # OUT = A | IN              # OUT = A ^ IN              # OUT = A + IN              # OUT = A - IN              # RAM[oper] = IN           # if (A >= 0) PC = hi(PC)|IN       
1f # OUT = IN; X++         # OUT = A & IN; X++         # OUT = A | IN; X++         # OUT = A ^ IN; X++         # OUT = A + IN; X++         # OUT = A - IN; X++         # RAM[(Y>>8)|X++] = IN     # PC = hi(PC)|IN                   

Next, I wrote a progam to parse the theloop.asm file to discover which instructions are actually used. This resulted in the following output given below. In the first column the hexadecimal instruction number, in the second column the number of times the instruction is mentioned in the file, in the third column the pseudo-C code, and in the last column the mnemonic being used in the file. $00 stands for the operand.

inst    #  pseudo-C                      mnemonic     
02    586: /*nop*/                       //   nop

00  54305: A = oper                      //   ld   $00
01    505: A = RAM[oper]                 //   ld   [$00]
03      1: A = IN                        //   ld   in
05     26: A = RAM[X]                    //   ld   [x]
09      2: A = RAM[(Y<<8)|oper]          //   ld   [y,$00]
0d     32: A = RAM[(Y<<8)|X]             //   ld   [y,x]
10      1: X = oper                      //   ld   $00,x
11     27: X = RAM[oper]                 //   ld   [$00],x
12     11: X = A                         //   ld   ac,x
14    326: Y = oper                      //   ld   $00,y
15     19: Y = RAM[oper]                 //   ld   [$00],y
16      2: Y = A                         //   ld   ac,y
18     14: OUT = oper                    //   ld   $00,out
19      6: OUT = RAM[oper]               //   ld   [$00],out

20     33: A &= oper                     //   anda $00     
21      8: A &= RAM[oper]                //   anda [$00]
25      2: A &= RAM[X]                   //   anda [x]
29      2: A &= RAM[(Y<<8)|oper]         //   anda [y,$00]
30      9: X = A & oper                  //   anda $00,x

40     14: A |= oper                     //   ora  $00
41     17: A |= RAM[oper]                //   ora  [$00]
45      3: A |= RAM[X]                   //   ora  [x]
50      6: X = A | oper                  //   ora  $00,x
5d      3: OUT = A | RAM[(Y<<8)|X++]     //   ora  [y,x++],out

60     16: A ^= oper                     //   xora $bf
61     11: A ^= RAM[oper]                //   xora [$00]
69      5: A ^= RAM[(Y<<8)|oper]         //   xora [y,$00]

80    402: A += oper                     //   adda $00
81     28: A += RAM[oper]                //   adda [$00]
82     36: A *= 2                        //   adda ac
85      2: A += RAM[X]                   //   adda [x]
89      6: A += RAM[(Y<<8)|oper]         //   adda [y,$00]
8d      4: A += RAM[(Y<<8)|X]            //   adda [y,x]
90     11: X = A + oper                  //   adda $00,x
91      1: X = A + RAM[oper]             //   adda [$00],x
92      2: X = 2*A                       //   adda ac,x
95      1: Y = A + RAM[oper]             //   adda [$00],y

a0     28: A -= oper                     //   suba $00
a1      3: A -= RAM[oper]                //   suba [$00]
a5      5: A -= RAM[X]                   //   suba [x]
b0      3: X = A - oper                  //   suba $00,x

c0      4: RAM[oper] = oper              //   st   $00,[$00]
c2    662: RAM[oper] = A                 //   st   [$00]
c3      2: RAM[oper] = IN                //   st   in,[$00]
c6      8: RAM[X] = A                    //   st   [x]
ca      6: RAM[(Y<<8)|oper] = A          //   st   [y,$00]
ce      9: RAM[(Y<<8)|X] = A             //   st   [y,x]
d2      7: RAM[oper] = A; X = A          //   st   [$00],x
d6      8: RAM[oper] = A; Y = A          //   st   [$00],y
de     27: RAM[(Y<<8)|X++] = A           //   st   [y,x++]
dc     52: RAM[(Y<<8)|X++] = oper        //   st   $00,[y,x++]

e0    314: PC = (Y<<8)|oper              //   jmp  y,$00
e1      2: PC = (Y<<8)|RAM[oper]         //   jmp  y,[$00]
e2     13: PC = (Y<<8)|A                 //   jmp  y,ac

e4      3: if (A > 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper   //   bgt  $00
e8     14: if (A < 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper   //   blt  $00
ec     30: if (A != 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper  //   bne  $00
f0     10: if (A == 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper  //   beq  $00
f4      5: if (A >= 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper  //   bge  $00
f8      2: if (A <= 0) PC = hi(PC)|oper  //   ble  $00
fc    497: PC = hi(PC)|oper              //   bra  $00
fd      2: PC = hi(PC)|RAM[oper]         //   bra  [$00]
fe    612: PC = hi(PC)|A                 //   bra  ac


The virtual CPU has a Von Neumann architecture.

vCPU instructions

The ROM implements a virtual 16-bit CPU, which runs when the CPU is not busy with generating the VGA signal. At first I did not understand how these instructions are encoded. It took me some time to understand that they are simply offset in one of the memory segments. This means that there are actually 256 instructions implemented by the vCPU, many of which do nothing usefull (or might have make the gigatron crash). Later, I discovered that the offset mechanism is actual mentioned in one of the blogs on the website.

The vCPU has an accumulator (below denoted by vA, stored at memory location 0x18 and 0x19), a program counter (below denoted by vPC, stored in memory locations 0x16 and 0x17), a stack pointer (below denoted by vSP, stored in memory location 0x1c), and a return address (below denoted by vLR, stored in memory locations 0x1a and 0x1b). The vCPU instructions are described in GCL-language.txt. Using pseudo-C, the instructions, followed by their opcodes in brackets, can be described as follows:

ST(0x5e) oper            RAM[oper] = lo(vA);
STW(0x2b) oper           RAM[oper] = lo(vA); RAM[oper+1] = hi(vA);
STLW(0xec) oper          RAM[vSP+oper] = lo(vA); RAM[vSP+oper+1] = hi(vA);
LD(0x1a) oper            vA = RAM[oper];
LDI(0x59) oper           vA = oper;
LDWI(0x11) op1 op2       vA = op1 | (op2<<8);
LDW(0x21) oper           vA = RAM[oper] | (RAM[oper+1]<<8)
LDLW(0xee) oper          vA = RAM[vSP+oper] | (RAM[vSP+oper+1]<<8)
ADDI(0xe3) oper          vA += oper
ADDW(0x99) oper          vA += RAM[oper] | (RAM[oper+1]<<8)
SUBI(0xe6) oper          vA -= oper
SUBW(0xb8) oper          vA -= RAM[oper] | (RAM[oper+1]<<8)
ANDI(0x83) oper          vA &= oper
ANDW(0xf8) oper          vA &= RAM[oper] | (RAM[oper+1]<<8)
ORI(0x88) oper           vA |= oper
ORW(0xfa) oper           vA |= RAM[oper] | (RAM[oper+1]<<8);
XORI(0x8c) oper          vA ^= oper;
XORW(0xfc) oper          vA ^= RAM[oper] | (RAM[oper+1]<<8);
INC(0x93) oper           RAM[oper]++;
PEEK(0xad)               vA = RAM[vA];
DEEK(0xf6)               vA = RAM[vA] | (RAM[vA+1]<<8);
POKE(0xf3) oper          RAM[RAM[oper]|(RAM[oper+1]<<8)] = lo(vA);
DOKE(0xf3) oper          addr = RAM[oper]|(RAM[oper+1]<<8); RAM[addr] = lo(vA); RAM[addr+1] = hi(vA);
LSLW(0xe9)               vA = vA << 1
BCC(0x35) EQ(0x3f) addr  if (vA == 0) vPC = hi(vPC)|addr;
BCC(0x35) GT(0x4d) addr  if (vA > 0) vPC = hi(vPC)|addr;
BCC(0x35) LT(0x50) addr  if (vA < 0) vPC = hi(vPC)|addr;
BCC(0x35) GE(0x53) addr  if (vA >= 0) vPC = hi(vPC)|addr;
BCC(0x35) LE(0x56) addr  if (vA <= 0) vPC = hi(vPC)|addr;
BCC(0x35) NE(0x73) addr  if (vA != 0) vPC = hi(vPC)|addr;
BRA(0x90)                vPC = hi(vPC)|addr;
LUP((0x7f) oper          vA = ROM[vA | (oper<<8)];

CALL(0xcf) oper          vLR = vPC+2; vPC = RAM[oper] | (RAM[oper+1]<<8);
RET(0xff)                vPC = vLR-2
PUSH(0x75)               RAM[--vSP] = lo(vLR); RAM[--vSP] = hi(vLR);
POP(0x63)                vLR = RAM[vSP] | (RAM[vSP+1]<<8); vSP += 2;
ALLOC(0xdf) oper         vSP += oper;
DEF(0xcd) oper           vA = vCP+2; vCP = hi(vCP)|oper;

SYS(0xb4) ticks          syscall(RAM[0x22] | (RAM[0x23]<<8))

The SYS instruction executes the system call whoes address is stored in sysFn (memory locations 0x22 and 0x23). The arguments for the system call are stored in sysArgs (the eight memory locations 0x24 to 0x2b). The system calls are:

GLC to vCPU instructions

The table below describes the 'mapping' between GLC language elements and vCPU instructions.

if<>0          BCC EQ addr
if=;0          BCC NE addr
if>=0          BCC LT addr
if<=0          BCC GT addr
if>0           BCC LE addr
if<0           BCC GE addr
if<>0loop      BCC EQ addr
if=;0loop      BCC NE oper
if>=0loop      BCC LT addr
if<=0loop      BCC GT addr
if>0loop       BCC LE addr
if<0lopp       BCC GE addr
else           BRA addr
push           PUSH
pop            POP
ret            RET
call           CALL oper
peek           PEEK
X              LDW addr(X)
[0..255]       LDI oper
[256..65,535]  LDWI oper oper
[0..255];      LDW oper
X=             STW addr(X)
[0..255]=      STW oper
X+             ADDW addr(X)
[0..255]+      ADDI oper
X;-            SUBW addr(X)
[0..255]-      SUBI oper
X&             ANDW addr(X)
[0..255]&      ANDI oper
X|             ORIW addr(X)
[0..255]|      ORI oper
X^             XORIW addr(X)
[0..255]^      XORI oper

[0..255]<<     LSLW (repeated)
[0..255]--     ALLOC (-oper&255)
[0..255]++     ALLOC oper
[0..255]%=     STLW oper
[0..255]%=     LDLW oper
[0..255]#      oper
[0..255]?      LUP oper
[0..255].      ST oper
[0..255],      LD oper
X.             POKE addr(X)
X<             ST addr(X)
X>             ST addr(X)+1
X,             LDW addr(X) PEEK
[0..255]<++    INC oper
X<++           INC addr(X)
X>++           INC addr(X)+1
X<,            LD addr(X)
X>,            LD addr(X)+1
X!             CALL addr(X)

Grammar for gt-C

Below the grammar for gt-C, a very small subset of C, is given, will server as a basis for writing a compiler.

        : ident
        | int
        | char
        | "(" expr ")"

        : postfix_expr "[" expr "]"  [array]
        | postfix_expr "(" assignment_expr LIST OPT ")"  [call]
        | postfix_expr "++"  [post_inc]
        | postfix_expr "--"  [post_dec]
        | primary_expr

        : "++" unary_expr  [pre_inc]
        | "--" unary_expr  [pre_dec]
        | "-" cast_expr  [min]
        | "~" cast_expr  [invert]
        | "!" cast_expr  [not]
        | postfix_expr

        : "(" simple_type ")" cast_expr  [cast]
        | unary_expr

l_expr2 : l_expr2 "+" cast_expr  [add]
        | l_expr2 "-" cast_expr  [sub]
        | cast_expr 
l_expr3 : l_expr3 "<<" l_expr2  [ls]
        | l_expr3 ">>" l_expr2  [rs]
        | l_expr2
l_expr4 : l_expr4 "<=" l_expr3  [le]
        | l_expr4 ">=" l_expr3  [ge]
        | l_expr4 "<"  l_expr3  [lt]
        | l_expr4 ">"  l_expr3  [gt]
        | l_expr4 "==" l_expr3  [eq]
        | l_expr4 "!=" l_expr3  [ne]
        | l_expr3
l_expr5 : l_expr5 "^"  l_expr4 [bexor] | l_expr4 .
l_expr6 : l_expr6 "&"  l_expr5 [band]  | l_expr5 .
l_expr7 : l_expr7 "|"  l_expr6 [bor]   | l_expr6 .
l_expr8 : l_expr8 "&&" l_expr7 [land]  | l_expr7 .
l_expr9 : l_expr9 "||" l_expr8 [lor]   | l_expr8 .

        : l_expr9 "?" l_expr9 ":" conditional_expr  [if_expr]
        | l_expr9

        : unary_expr "=" assignment_expr  [ass]
        | unary_expr "+=" assignment_expr  [add_ass]
        | unary_expr "-=" assignment_expr  [sub_ass]
        | unary_expr "<<=" assignment_expr  [sl_ass]
        | unary_expr ">>=" assignment_expr  [sr_ass]
        | unary_expr "&=" assignment_expr  [and_ass]
        | unary_expr "|=" assignment_expr  [or_ass]
        | unary_expr "^=" assignment_expr  [exor_ass]
        | conditional_expr

expr    : assignment_expr LIST.

        : "word" [word]
        | "byte" [byte]

        : ("void"[void]|simple_type) ident "(" (simple_type ident)LIST OPT ")"
           "{" statement SEQ OPT "}" [funcdef]

        : "{" statement SEQ OPT "}"
        | simple_type ident ("=" conditional_expr) OPT ";" [vardecl]
        | expr OPT ";" [expr]
        | "if" "(" expr ")" statement  ("else" statement) OPT  [if]
        | "while" "(" expr ")" statement  [while]
        | "do" statement "while" "(" expr ")" ";"  [do]
        | "for" "(" (simple_type OPT ident "=" expr)OPT ";" 
                    expr OPT ";" 
                    expr OPT ")" statement  [for]
        | "continue" ";"  [cont]
        | "break" ";"  [break]
        | "return" expr OPT ";"  [ret]

root    : ( func_decl | statement ) SEQ OPT eof

First target program

The first target program, I am going to work on, is a program for Conway's Game of Life. It does not use all the grammar constructs defined in the above grammar.
// Clear the screen
for (word h = 0; h < 200; h++)
    for (word v = 0; v < 200; v++)
        setScreen(h, v, 0);

// Initialize some random part
for (word h = 90; h < 110; h++)
    for (word v = 90; v < 110; v++)
        if (random() < 110)
            setScreen(h, v, 0x3f);

while (true)
    for (word h = 1; h < 199; h++)
        for (word v = 1; v < 199; v++)
            word c = 0;
            word vk = v - 1;
            if (getScreen(h-1,vk) < 0) c++;
            if (getScreen(h-1,vk) < 0) c++;
            if (getScreen(h-1,vk) < 0) c++;
            vk -= 2;
            if (getScreen(h,vk) < 0) c++;
            word m = getScreen(h, vk) & 0x3f;
            if (getScreen(h,vk) & 0x3f != 0) c++;
            vk -= 2;
            if (getScreen(h+1,vk) & 0x3f != 0) c++;
            if (getScreen(h+1,vk) & 0x3f != 0) c++;
            if (getScreen(h+1,vk) & 0x3f != 0) c++;
            if (m != 0)
                if (c == 2 || c == 3)
                    m = 0xff
                    m = 0xd0;
                 if (c == 3)
                     m = 0x3f;
                     m = 0;
            setScreen(h, v, m);

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