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Perl signature programs

Signature programs are short programs that people have been using as part of their signature. They are small (2 to 4 lines) programs, that are often rather cryptic because they have to save space as much as possible. The Perl program language is rather compact programming language which allows to write cryptical code. For this reason it is not strange that it is often used for signature programs.

Randal Schwartz's JAPH signatures

Randal Schwartz wrote a lot of `Just Another Perl Hacker,' program signatures.


Please read the story behind this signature program, as it is the signature program with the highest number of contributers.
#!/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1

The Perl encoded signature of Alun Jones

s&%&st&g&&s&\$&ber&g&s&\#&\n&&s&"& of&g,s&([A-Z])& $1&g&&s&\\u&U&&&
s&!&es, &g&s&\\a&A&&s&1&i&g&&print" $_\n";sub liminal{"use perl!";}
Another Perl program by him:
")));s/\n//g;s/ss/\n/;s/\:.//g;s/([A-Y])/\ $1/g;s/\s+\A+/\A/;s/\+/\/g;print;
Here is a perl 5 ASCII Mandelbrot program. (Hardly worth the effort really, everyone does them, he commented):
#!perl -i(X,Y,S,U,V,$_)=(-2,-2,4,80,40,"\n");if($#a>1){(X,Y,S)=@a}for((B,I)=Y+
@a=@ARGV,split('',' Alun Jones, IBS UW Aberystwyth, ');$_=$^I.'
He has some more signature programs.

Encryption Perl script by Joey Hess

#!/usr/bin/perl -pl-                                      ,,ep) ayf >|)nj,,
$_=reverse lc$_;s@"@''@g;y/[]{A-R}<>()a-y1-9,!.?\`'/][}        Joey Hess
He has also written some other signature programs.

A password crack Perl signature by Alec Muffett

# alec muffett, internet services, sun uk
# below: 'crack' in one line of perl; usage: [cmdline] dictionary ...
perl -nle 'setpwent;crypt($_,$c)eq$c&&print"$u $_"while(($u,$c)=getpwent);

Playing Mastermind by Martin Haring

perl -e 'srand;for($i=0;$i<4;$i++){$a[$i]=int rand 8;for($j=0;$j<$i;$j++){$i--
if $a[$i]==$a[$j];}}print"A B C D GP\n";do{system"stty cbreak";$e=$p=0;for($i=0
;$i<4;$i++){$b=getc()&7;print" ";$p++ if $b==$a[$i];for($j=0;$j<4;$j++){$e++ if
 $b==$a[$j]}}system"stty cooked";print $e-$p,$p,"\n";}while $p<4;'#Martin Haring
(This was written with Perl 5.) He also has a C version of this signature.

Some signature programs by Jonathan Westhues

A math test style program:
(rand($x));print"$a + $b = ";$c=<STDIN>;($a+$b==$c)||die"WRONG after $d\n";
print "OK\n";$d++;} # Run this  with perl. Jonathan Westhues
A line editor:
while(<>){push(@A,$_);}while(1){print")";chop($q=<STDIN>);# Line editor.
$q eq'l'&&do{foreach(@ A){print;}};$q eq'q'&&exit 0;$_=$q;# By Jonathan
if(/s\s(.*)/){open(F,">".$1);foreach(@A){print F $_;}};$_# Westhues
=$q;if(/c\s(\d*)\s(.*)/){@A[$1]=$2."\n";}} # jwesthue
A guess-the-numbers game:
print"L\n";$b==$4&&die"OK\n";} # Jonathan Westhues
A simple hangman game:
@N = split(//,'jonathan');@R = (1..9); for(;;){$_ = <STDIN>;
chop;for($c=0; $c<8; $c++){if($_ eq $N[$c]){$R[$c]=$_;$f=1;}print $R[$c];
}print "\n";} # Jonathan Westhues: this isn't obvious!
A primes calculator with included 'performance meter':
open(O,">/tmp/$$");print O"while true\ndo\necho -n ' '\n sleep 1 \n done";
close(O); system"sh /tmp/$$ &";for(;;){$c++;$f=0;for($i=2;$i<$c;$i++){
A dc-ish RPN calculator:
print "> ";while(<STDIN>){chop;if(/^\d*$/){push(@A,$_);}if($_
eq'l'){foreach(@A){print $_."\n";}}$_ eq'+'&&print pop(@A)+pop(@A);$_
eq'-'&&print 0-(pop(@A)-pop(@A));$_ eq '*'&&print pop(@A)*pop(@A);$_
eq'/'&&print 1/(pop(@A)/pop(@A));print
"\n"if(/\+|\-|\*|\//);$_ eq'q'&&exit 0;$_ eq'p'&&pop(@A);print"> ";}
Print out words matching certain ascii totals:
"\n";}print"$_ $t\n"if!$ARGV[0];$t = 0;}
(For those of us who care that the total of the ascii codes in 'soviet' 666.)

A perl signature by R. van Zuijlen

++$_;$_+=$_+++$_;$!=$_+$_;($:,$,,$/)=$!=~/.(.).(.)(.)/; $_+=$_+++$_+$_; ($^,
$\,$~)=($!=$_)=~/(.) (.).*(.)$/; $_-=$_;$|=++$_;$_++; `$^$,$/$: $\$~ $|>&$_`

A Mysterious perl signature by Nicholas Clark

#!perl    # If it doesn't work see doio.c line ~256
BEGIN{use Socket;$_='YIN;sockefPZSOCK_STREAM,~proto"tcp"and$|=connecfpack"
Sna4x8",AZ79,$;=~host$^Ior die$!;print"/w nickc\r"YOUT;print"[$^I]"';s/f/t
STDIN,/g;s/Y/;select STD/g;s/Z/F_INET,/g;s/~(\w*)/get$1byname/g;eval||die}

A Perl signature program by Alejandro Forero Cuervo

His signature contain the following perl fragment:
$0='!/sfldbi!yjoV0msfQ!sfiupob!utvK'x44;print map{("\e[7m \e[0m",chr ord
"219CC1CCC033E7E660198CCE4E66798303873CCE60F3387$F"#Don't you love Perl?
It is preceded by the statement "The mere formulation of a problem is far more essential than its solution" by Albert Einstein.

A self printing Perl signature program by Dimator Shahbaz


HTTP 0.9 server signature by Joe Futrelle

use Socket;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp'));setsockopt(S,
);listen(S,5);for(;accept(C,S);close C){$_=<C>;/^GET (.*) /;while(<C>=~/:/){
}open F,"<$ARGV[1]$1";print C"HTTP/0.9 200\n\n";while($l=<F>){print C$l;}}
This 5-line version supports CGI:
use Socket;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp'));setsockopt
INADDR_ANY));listen(S,5);for(;accept(C,S);close C){$_=<C>;/^GET (.*) /;
open F,/ (\/cgi-bin\/.*) /?"$ARGV[1]$1|":"<$ARGV[1]$1";while(<C>=~/\:/){}
print C"HTTP/0.9 200 OK\n\n";while($l=<F>){print C$l;}}


$_='while(read+STDIN,$_,2048){$a=29;$b=73;$c=142;$ t=255;@t=map{$_%16or$t^=$c^=($m=(11,10,116,100,11, 122,20,100)[$_/1


$;=sub{$/};@;=map{my($a,$b)=($_,$;);$; =sub{$a.$b->()}}split//, ".rekcah lreP rehtona tsuJ";$\=$;->();print$/

Derek Pomery

-- perl -e'print pack"H*","64706f6d657279406375632e6564750a"' /. ate my old sig. Bastards.

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