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C signature programs

Signature programs are short programs that people have been using as part of their signature. They are small (2 to 4 lines) programs, that are often rather cryptic because they have to save space as much as possible. The C program language is rather compact programming language which allows to write cryptical code. For this reason it is not strange that it is often used for signature programs. See also the Mandelbrot set signature program page for more C signature programs.

For a translation of this page into Bulgarian, see

Signatures by Chris Brown

/*  _  */main(int k,char**n){char*i=k&1?"+L*;99,RU[,RUo+BeKAA+BECACJ+CAACA"
/* / ` */"CD+LBCACJ*":1[n],j,l=!k,m;do for(m=*i-48,j=l?m/k:m%k;m>>7?k=1<<m+
/* |   */8,!l&&puts(&l)**&l:j--;printf("  \0_/"+l));while((l^=3)||l[++i]);}
/* \_,hris Brown -- All opinions expressed are probably wrong. */
He wrote this one by himself. Some older ones by him are:
*++i==48&&puts(""))do for(j=*i-48>>k&7;j--;)putchar(k+32);while(k^=3);}
And derived from the above:
j,k=0;for(;*i;*++i==48&&puts(""))do for(j=*i-48>>k&7;j--;)putchar(k+32);while(k^=3);}

Try to find the name of Martijn using a hang-man game

/* <> | Use gcc <signature> to guess my full name */
main(){char s[]=".bg`z`lE)gc`}{hD-|\\/OI:retteL>\n\n",k;long w=32,r,_,y

Calculating Pi in 2 lines by Dik T. Winter

The following 160 character C program, written by Dik T. Winter at CWI, computes pi to 800 decimal digits.
int a=10000,b,c=2800,d,e,f[2801],g;main(){for(;b-c;)f[b++]=a/5;for(;d=0,g=c*2;c
He also wrote one for calculating the first 15,000 digits:
For some background information, read Unbounded Spigot Algorithms for the Digits of Pi. (And even shorter.)

Eight Queens program written by Marcel van Kervinck

/* Marcel van Kervinck <> */
t(a,b,c){int d=0,e=a&~b&~c,f=1;if(a)for(f=0;d=(e-=d)&-e;f+=t(a-d,(b+d)*2,(
c+d)/2));return f;}main(q){scanf("%d",&q);printf("%d\n",t(~(~0<<q),0,0));}
When the program is run, one has to give a number n (smaller than 32), and the program will return in how many ways n Queens can be put on a n by n board in such a way that they cannot beat each other.

Note that the d=(e-=d)&-e; statement can be compiled wrong on certain compilers. The inner assignment should be executed first. Otherwise replace it with e-=d,d=e&-e;.

Happy Birthday program written by Jack Tan

#define X "Happy birthday to you\n"
main(){printf(X X"%.15sdear YourName\n"X,X);}

Weighing in at 73+N characters, this was the winner of an informal competition to find the smallest C program to print the Happy Birthday song for someone whose name is N characters long. If you're interested in the details, ask Tom Magliery.

A quote from David Korn, AT&T Bell Labs

"main() {printf(&unix["\021%six\012\0"],(unix)["have"]+"fun"-0x60);}"
                                            -- David Korn, AT&T Bell Labs
Used by Bill W. Kelly.

Risto Paasivirta

A flower printing signature program: (Risto Paasivirta).
char a[1761],*b;main(){int c,k;double d,e=1.111,x,y,z,sin(),cos();for(b=a,
c=1760;*b++=' ',--c;);for(d=.1;d<=1.3;d+=.2)for((y=d,x=0.0,c=150);c--;){z=
A Pi calculating program:
/* Risto Paasivirta, xxxxxxxx@xxx.xx ( */int a[33235],*b=a,c=1e4,d=
(Remark: This program takes some time to complete.)

A maze generating program by Joseph H. Allen

/* ( */               /* Joseph H. Allen */
int a[1817];main(z,p,q,r){for(p=80;q+p-80;p-=2*a[p])for(z=9;z--;)q=3&(r=time(0)

A strange program by Real Gagnon

-------------------------+ #include <stdio.h>      /* BC ok , Apollo NFG */
Real Gagnon,             | int main(void) { int i=0;
Universite de Montreal   | while(putchar(i++["\13Dl~fxym789\26xd"]-i));
xxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx | while(putchar((--i)["\0\t+*)('&%$#\"\1"]+i));}

A strange program by Jacques de Villiers

r(_,i){return putchar(!i?_:' '),i?r(_,--i):(putchar('\r'),_);}main(_){return _
==' '?_:r(main(_+_/_),_)^_["];!aL#3%17t\211N,=<je\42f\227`&!&-8\42~/KK"]-'!';}

The Sierpinski Gasket by Brendan McKeon

char c[160],z;main(x,d){for/*/         Brendan McKeon         /*/(x=159;x--
;c[x]=32);c[79]=z;c[39]=88/*/      /*/;for(d=31;x
=78,puts(c+z),d--;z=80-z)/*/ /*/for(;--x;c[x
+80-z]=88-56*!(c[z-!0+x]/*/    4th Yr. 'Comp Sci' 'Student'/*/-c[z+x+1]));}

Two signature programs by Jos Horsmeier

I carried these little monsters around in my .sig for a while. The first one prints magic squares of odd size. The size parameter must be given on the command line. The second little thing plays a move of nim. Enjoy ...
main(o,O0)char**O0;{int OO,O;O=--o?atoi(O0[!0]):!
("\n%*d "+!!(OO%O),!0<<!0<<!0,o+=(o<!0)?O*O:0);}}
int n;main(i,m)char**m;{while(--i)n^=atoi(m[i]);
(*m);m--;}else puts(*m);} /* play: nim <nums> */

An encryption program by Michael Schroeder

Michael Schroeder
He also wrote:
/* Convex Administration  xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx |
He also wrote a another signature program.

A Eight Queens board generating program

  v,i,j,k,l,s,a[99]; main()   {
?a[i+=k]=0:++a[i])>=s*k&&++a[--i]);}    /* Osovlanski and Nissenbaum */
Origin unknown. Submitted by Charles Richmond. Seems to be broken.

A maze generator program by John Tromp

--            E;             J[              E]             =T
[E   ]=  E)   printf("._");  for(;(A-=Z=!Z)  ||  (printf("\n|"
)    ,   A    =              39              ,C             --
)    ;   Z    ||    printf   (M   ))M[Z]=Z[A-(E   =A[J-Z])&&!C
&    A   ==             T[                                  A]
|6<<11<rand()||!C&!Z?J[T[E]=T[A]]=E,J[T[A]=A-Z]=A,"_.":" |"];}
Note that the constant 11 assumes a 15-bit random number generator, and needs to be replaced with 27 if rand() produces 31-bit numbers instead.

See his Programming Pearls page for more. There is a Obfuscated Tetris program of only 1467 characters (just a little too long for a signature).

See also his Yin-Yang signature.

Conversion program by Tom Dawes-Gamble

main(int c,char **v){long x;while(--c){sscanf(*++v,"%li",&x);
printf("Decimal = %ld Hex = 0x%lx octal = 0%lo\n",x,x,x);}}
Args are hex or dec or oct output is hex and dec and oct.

A recent signature program by him is:

int g(int g){putchar(g);}main(){int c=c==c,h=-~c,a=h+h,*r=(int*)gmtime(&c)+a;
His explaination is:

He also wrote a C and COBOL polygot signature program.

Some signature programs by Patrik Lundin

Besides a A Mandelbrot set signature program, he also created the following. A prime number calculator:
main(x,y/* Patrik Lundin |       xxxxxx@xxxx.xxxx.xx         */){for(;x++;)
for(y=2/*  Docentv. 28   |        xxxxxxx@xx.xxxx.xx        */;x%y;)printf(
++y/x+/*   977 52 Luleaa | */"\0%d\n",x);}

A morse coder:


A morse decode:

<47):putchar(" etianmsurwdkgohvf-l-pjbxcyzq"[r])*0);}

A number factorizer:

For more see his Obfuscated C page.

Vigenere encryption/decryption by Bruno Van Wilder

Bruno Van Wilder			Royal Holloway, University of London
    main(int n,char**a){for(n=0;putchar(a[2][n]?(a[2][n]%32+(**a%2*2-1)*
 		      (Vigenere encryption/decryption)

A signature program by Sander Stoks

/* */  main(){char*c="2$$,$$2CD$45$$,$$5(D$4%$$,$$%(D$4%J\
int _=0,__,K;for(;_<10;_++){for(__=0;__<11;__++)for(K=0;K<6;)putchar(c[11*_+\
__]-36&1<<K++&&__*6+K<65?'#':' ');putchar(10);}}         /*ATARI Falcon030 */

ASCII art movie programs by Elijah

------                                        /* cc signature.c -lm */
main(){int i,j,k,l;for(i=-12;i<13;i++,printf("\e[H")){for(l=141596885;
:0;}}puts("Elijah:");}p(int m){printf("%c",m);}
and (for St. Patrick's Day):
-- /* if(TERM==ANSI) {cc -Dc=`"\e[32m"` sig.c} else {cc -Dc=\"\" sig.c} */
e(int d){printf("%c",d);}main(){int a=0,b;for(b=141596885;b>8;b>>=4)e(97-(
"9y///+m,YQ-my////-iq~y"[a++];for(;7&b;e("Eli!: MV?JL1m\"P\n"[b-->>3]));}}

Andrew Garrard

He has a large collection. He is reserving copyright so he can use them in the IOCCC - especially the valentine's one, which is perfectly legal in spite of four compilers which think otherwise. He also wrote two Mandelbrot set signature programs.

Full raytracer (name printed, wide, -lm, 73 columns):

main(c){float x,y=-2,a;for(;2>(y+=.2);puts(""))for(x=-4;4>(x+=.1);printf(
"%c","MHRXY]i:' "[9>a?(c=21+8*(x-y-7)/a*(3-sqrt(9-a)))>0?c:0:y<1?9:((c=98
a=8+x*x/2+y*y/2;puts("Andrew Garrard - xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx");}
Full raytracer (3 lines of code because some compilers need the include, no name, wide, -lm, 79 columns):
#include <math.h> /* Andrew Garrard - xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx */
main(c){float x,y=-2,a;for(;2>(y+=.2);puts(""))for(x=-4;4>(x+=.1);printf("%c",
"MHRXY]i:' "[a<9?(c=21+8*(x-y-7)/a*(3-sqrt(9-a)))>0?c:0:y<1?9:((c=98-x*1.2/y)&1
Julia (time dependent, narrow, -lm, doesn't work on Norcroft):
/* o._.o Andrew Garrard - xxxxxxtxxx@xxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx */#include <time.h>
/* ((^)) */main(c){float x,y=2,X,Y,Z,q,t;q=sin(time(0))*1.3;t=sqrt(1.69-q*q);
/* O)_(O */for(;(x=-2)<(y-=.1);puts(""))for(;Y=y,(X=x+=.05)<2;c=printf("%c",c
/* O/ \O */["  .-:|O8H#"]))for(;X*X+Y*Y<4&&++c<8;Z=q+X*X-Y*Y,Y=2*X*Y+t,X=Z);}
Perihelion (mildly obfuscated):
/*   ___   */int x=-1;int f(){return x+++1&&("MX+###'$##TYC78%##3$##-K`5,##C&"
/* (/. .\) */"#[PB##&S$#?&WG<P.L)D++%<-%K)T($MC+TI70YL.MGEAM#<Y(9K.MG:C03;LK."
/*  \(T)/  */"OPFW3,L1:MNW5=KWb=&DX5MNWY15X=]aBM96bLG7]R@''Y(Zb&%^EbCSQ$$bP,/"
/* O~   ~O */"==1J)0J)<1>"[x/6])-35&1<<x%6;}main(y){return y-440&&printf("%s",
/*  ()-()  */" \0\\\0|\0/\0.\0'\0_\0\n\0[\0[]\0:_:\0[ |\0 ||  \x00[__] \0__\0"
/* Andrew  */"'.__.'\0"+(f()?f()?f()?29:f()?8:f()?35:f()?44:f()?21:f()?16:18:f
/* Garrard */()?f()?f()?6:14:f()?41:f()?2:25:f()?4:f()?12:10:0))&&main(++y);}
Perihelion (my bear):
/* .O_       */int y=0,x=-1;int f(){x++;return("MX+###'$##TYC78%##3$##-K`5,##C"
/*:  .\__    */"&#[PB##&S$#?&WG<P.L)D++%<-%K)T($MC+TI70YL.MGEAM#<Y(9K.MG:C03;L"
/*O.(4) _()  */"K.OPFW3,L1:MNW5=KWb=&DX5MNWY15X=]aBM96bLG7]R@''Y(Zb&%^EbCSQ$$b"
/* \_ .''.\_ */"P,/==1J)0J)<1>"[x/6])-35&1<<x%6;}main(){for(y=0;y++<439;)printf
/*  / '..'__()*/("%s"," \0\\\0|\0/\0.\0'\0_\0\n\0[\0[]\0:_:\0[ |\0 ||  \0[__] "
/* ()/\____() */"\0__\0'.__.'\0"+(f()?f()?f()?29:f()?8:f()?35:f()?44:f()?21:f()
/* Fluppeteer */?16:18:f()?f()?f()?6:14:f()?41:f()?2:25:f()?4:f()?12:10:0));}
Christmas tree (short but unintelligible):
/*      _     *//* Andrew Garrard */int y,z;main(x){x=(x>0?-9:x);z=((z=(x+5)
/*  /:^/ \_/))*/)>0?z:-z);printf(!x&&++y?"\n":z?z>y%3+y/3?" ":x<-5?"/":"\\":
/**<_o_(\__// */y?"|":"*");y-9?main(++x):puts("  _|_|_")&&puts("  \\___/");}
/*   D-|\O    *//* A party animal is for life ... not just for Christmas. */
Christmas tree (cute but long):
/*    *    Andrew Garrard - xxxxxexxxx@xxxxx.xx.xx */
/*   /_\   */int y,z;main(x){x=(x>0?-9:x);z=((z=(x+5)
/*  o. .o  */)>0?z:-z);printf(!x&&++y?"\n":z?z>y%3+y/
/*  ((Y))  */3?" ":x<-5?"/":"\\":y?"|":"*");y-9?main(
/* ()) (() */++x):puts("  _|_|_")&&puts("  \\___/");}
/*  ()^()  A party animal isn't just for Christmas.*/
Valentines (has broken Watcom, Norcroft, Dice and Lint so far...):
/*  db.db  Andrew Garrard */int x,y,X;Q(Z,Y){Y=y<16?X=x-30,Y=y-17,225>X*X+Y
*/* `888' */Y:x>y,y+=y%2*2*(!(x+=y&x==39?-x:y&1)-1)+1;return Z?Y+2*Q(--Z,--
X)/* `8' */:Y;}main(){for(;y-42;puts(""))M(y);}M(z){printf("%c",(printf("%"
"c"," ',""[`~/P.\\wb]9dM"[z=Q(3,7)]),x&&M(*""),z)[" `.]'~\\9,/wd[PbM\""]);}
Life... don't talk to me about life (or Get a life, depending...):
long l=17895696,p,m[8],n[8]={0,65536,4096,1118208},y,z;main(x){for(;p++^14;
;--y;m[x]+=z*17+z/16)z=n[x+y-2];for(;--x;n[x]=m[x]);}} /* Andrew Garrard */
He has some more longer signature programs.

Programs by Robert Harley

A Rot-13 filter:
A program which generates 2569 decimals of e:
main(i){int j,s,d[1001];for(i=1e3;i;)d[i--]=1;for(printf("e>2.");++/*R.Harley*/

He also wrote A Mandelbrot fractal in .pgm format signature.

Program which prints a solution of the Eight Queens problem:

q(a,b,c){int e,f,i=8;for(;a&&i--;)if(e=1<<i,f=e<<a|e<<24-a,!(b&e||/*R. Harley*/
c&f)&&q(a-1,b|e,c|f))return printf("%08x\n",1<<i*4);return!a;}main(){q(8,0,0);}

World map and locations by Brian Westley

This program prints a world map with your location marked. Run it as `prog 45 -93' for e.g. latitude N 45, W 93 (south & west are negative numbers). Your terminal must autowrap at 80 chars.
main(    M,e,r,l,y,n   )char**e;{for(l=atoi(e[1])/10*80-atoi(e[2])/5-836;r="\
[M++-3];)for(;r-->64;)putchar(!l+++33^M&1);}/*Run w/lat & long as arguments*/
(By the way, he was the one who nominated me for the Geek Site of the Day.)

Playing Mastermind by Martin Haring

/* Martin Haring <xxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx> || use gcc to play mastermind */
main(){int i=0,j,e,p,a[4],b;srand(time(0));for(;i<4;i++){a[i]=rand()%8;for(j=
0;j<i;j++)if(a[i]==a[j])i--;}printf("A B C D GP\n");do{system("stty cbreak");
e=p=0;for(i=0;i<4;i++){b=getchar()&7;printf(" ");if(b==a[i])p++;for(j=0;j<4;j
++)if(b==a[j])e++;}system("stty cooked");printf("%d%d\n",e-p,p);}while(p<4);}
He also has a Perl version of this signature.

A hiding program signature by Dario Dariol

This simple one-line C-program included is a program that hide itself when it runs on a UNIX machine. You have some difficulties to kill it because it changes PID every second. Dario also wrote some self printing programs.

A Tic-Tac-Toe program signature by John Rickard

#define f(X,g,p,N,M)M{return X?a&b?a&b&1<<i&&m(b,a^1<<i,9)>8?i:M:0:9;}main(){\
int a=511,b=a,i=4;for(;X;b^=1<<N)a^=1<<g-'1',g,p(N+'1'),p('\n');}    /* 123 */
f(i--&&b&7&&b&56&&b&448&&b&73&&b&146&&b&292&&b  /* John Rickard   */ /* 456 */
&273&&b&84,getchar(),putchar,m(b,a,9),m(a,b,i)) /* xxx@xxxx.xx.xx */ /* 789 */
Moves are given by the number 1 to 9, according to layout given in the signature. This program does never lose, but sometimes fails to win, when it could have won.

A signature program by Chris Goldsmith

/*---------*/s++&j)==j)))for(j=1;j<=8;j*=2)printf("  \0_/"+(*s&j?3:0));}

A signature program by me

On unix: tail -2>sig.c;make sig;./sig <sig.c
main(){int v=77+97*121+32,c=71+111/100*32;while(v&&98)if(scanf("%d",&v)+108==
101+8&&v+115>9+115)putchar(++v- 32*4+121- 111+117);else- 10+getchar()+0;}

A Brainf*** interpreter signature

char m[9999],*n[99],*r=m,*p=m+5000,**s=n,d,c;main(){for(read(0,r,4000);c=*r;
(Eric Bock also wrote one.)

A simple three-response magic eight ball signature

Anthony J. "Tony" Mills wrote this signature program:
/* --==[ Anthony J. "Tony" Mills ]==-----==[ ????????????????? ]==-- */

A day-of-the-week signature program by Sidney Cadot

| -- Sidney Cadot - - ITS/TU Delft - tst. 3850 -- |
|/* C-code to calculate day-of-week (1901-2099). Type name for man page. */|
|main(int c,char**v){exit(printf("%sday.\n","Use MM/DD/YYYY argument to c" |
|"alculate week\0Mon\0/0/Tues\0/0Wednes\0Thurs\0/Fri\0/0/Satur\0/Sun"+(*++ |

a Brainf*** interpreter signature by Eric Bock

/* Eric */main(s,i,j,k,c){char*p=malloc(s=1),*a=p+(*p=i=j=k=0)/* Bock */
i+=c/* Brainf*** */=='[']&&(/* worse than */i-=c==']'/* this sig! */));}

Signature programs by Mark VandeWettering

His first is Mandelbrot set signature program. His second is a Brainf**k to C compiler signature program:
#define P(C,X)case C:printf(#X);break; /* bftoc.c by */
main(){int c;printf("char a[9999];main(){char*p=a;");while((c=getchar())>=0)
The program works like a pipe.

Signature program by Mauro Persano

A peace sign signature program:
int i,j,d;main(){for(;i<25;i++)for(j=48;j;putchar(!j?10:" #"[(d<150&&d>81)||(d<
A yin-yang signature program:
int q,Q,w,z;_(o){w=q-10*o;z=Q-20;return w*w+z*z;}main(){for(;q<40;q+=!(Q%=40),
An prefix expression evaluator signature program:
#include<stdio.h>/* gcc sig.c; echo '(* (+ 2 5) 6)' | a.out * Mauro Persano */
c;x(){while(isspace(c=getchar()));}main(){printf("%d",y());}y(){int v,t,a,b;x(
a*b:t==1?a+b:t==3?a-b:t==5?a/b:exit(1),x(),c==41||exit(1):exit(1);return v;}

Signature program by Erik Rigtorp

He has written a signature program that animates his initials like a sinewave. It is ansi C except there is no include files. Functions from stdio.h and unistd.h are used. The license is GPL.
main(){int i,a,e[10]={255,137,129,129,0,255,25,41,70,128},s[16]={3,4,5,6,
i++){for(a=s[(i+n)&0xF]+4;a!=0;a--)printf(" ");for(a=7;a>=0;a--){if(((e[i]
>>a)&1)==1){printf("#");}else{printf(" ");}}puts();}n++;usleep(40000);}}

Signature programs by Sed

main(){int i,j;{printf("\n      Who did you say ? Sierpinski ?      \n");}
for(i=0;i<80;i++){for(j=0;j<80;j++)printf("%c",i&j?'.':' ');printf("\n");}
printf("\n   Life is a beach - George Sand (1804-1876)  \n\n"); return 0;}
char*t= "u]Gd\\wa[nc[eHEdBQbhb`hgHWRLSbYfaYeHAIPQbhb`heHQINwihnkh";int
main(void) {int i=0,c;for(;i<330;c>>=1){if(i++%6==0)c=*t++;printf(i%66
?"%c":"%c\n",c&1?'|':' ');}return printf("is a nice little thing\n");}

A Master Mind signature program by Cédric Lallain

The following signature program implements a Master Mind solver. You have to pick a secret code, and the program will guess it. After each guess, you should respond with two numbers.
int C,e,d,r,i,c,L[10000],_=1e4,Q[4],O[4];o(){for(C=rand();L[++C,C%=e];
]>=0?c+=Q[d&3]=O[d/4]=-1:0;return i|c;}F(c){printf("%04i%c",_?o(),C:-1

Signature program by Vianney 'ace' Lecroart

The signature program below produces a BMP with an interesting patterns that contains a hidden code.
int a,c,e,_[14]={0xf4364d42,1,54<<16,40<<16,50<<20,5<<20,1<<16,16};t(p

Signature program by Tyrecius on Slashdot

You want to know the Endianicity of your machine?
char a[]="lbiitgt l e \n\n\0";main(){for(char*c=a; *(short*)c;c+=2){putchar(*(short*)c);}}

Signature program by Darren Smith

The first is 112 characters long and calculates pi to 2880 decimal places:
The next isn't pi, but e. It is 84 characters long and calculates e to 992 decimal places:

Signature progam by le_jfs

main(char O){O++&&(((O-291)*O+27788)*O-868020?1:putchar(O++) )&&main(O);}

Signature programs by Goran "CHUPCKO" Lazic

He also has some signature programs in PostScript and Brainf***.
(""))for(h=c%2?3/*/  \*/:0,p=73;p-=
printf("%.*s",p,"\\__/  "+h);h=0);}

int _[16];m(x,i,f,z){for(f=z=-9,i=0;i<16;i++)f=_[i]==x?i:f,z=_[i]?z:i;i
for(j=i=0;i<16;j+=_[i]==++i)printf(_[i]?"%c%2d":"%c  ",i%4?' ':'\n',_[i
]);if(j>14&&puts("\n\nYou WIN"))break;printf("\n\nMove ? ");scanf("%d",
&i)||scanf("%*[^0-9]");m(i);}} /* */

/*  chupcko -  */int _[25];c(h,p){h>0&&h<6&&p>0&&p<6&&(_
[5*p+h-6]^=1);}main(h,p){for(;;){printf("  1 2 3 4 5");for(h=p=0;h<25;
p+=_[h++]){h%5||printf("\n%d",h/5+1);printf(_[h]?" *":" .");}if(p>24&&
puts("\n\nYou WIN"))break;printf("\n\nMove ? ");scanf("%d",&p)||scanf(

&1;puts(c++?"\033[11;225]\a":"\033[11;75]\a");usleep(p*c);}else usleep
(p*2);usleep(p*2);}} /* echo CHUPCKO morse | ./a.out > /dev/console */

int _[32];main(c,h,p){*_=1;for(c=32;c--;){for(h=c;h   /***********/
--;)printf(" ");for(h=0;h<32-c;)printf(_[h++]?"/\\"  /* CHUPCKO */
:"  ");puts("");for(p=h=1;h<32;p^=_[h++])_[h]^=p;}} /***********/

int _[33]={1};main(c,h,p){for(c=32;h=c--;puts("")){for(;--h;)printf(" ")
;for(p=h=1;h<33-c;p^=h++[_])printf(p?"/\\":"  ",h[_]^=p);}}/* CHUPCKO */

int _[32]={1};main(c,h,p){for(c=32;c--;puts(""))for(printf("%*s",c,""),p=
h=0;32-c-h;printf(h++[_]?c%2?"/\\":h%2?"/_":"_\\":"  "))h[_]^=p,p^=h[_];}

#define m(x,y,z) main(){x##puts(y);##z}
#define p m(char c[80];if(gets(c)){main();,c,})
#define p m(,"Hello world!",)
#define m(x,y,z) main(){x##puts(y);##z}

Barcode generating signature:

int/* ./a.out 4008155013759 | xv - */c,h,p;x(y){for(c^=1;1+y--;putchar(p
<6?1:c));}y(z){for(p^=63;z--;x(0));p^=63;}main(int/* EAN13 by CHUPCKO */
*printf("P5 95 44 1\n");p--;y(3))for(c=1,y(3),i=1;i<13;i++)for(i==7&&y(5

Another Sierpinski triangle:

#define d 500 /* ./a.out > a.pgm; file a.pgm; xv a.pgm; : /\ CHUPCKO */
int _[6+d*d]={d-9,9,d-9,d-9,9,d/2};main(x,y,i,n){for(x=/*/__\*/y=i=0;++
i<3e4;_[6+x*d+y]=1)x+=_[n=rand()%3*2],x/=2,y+=_[n+1],y/*/\  /\*//=2;for
(printf("P5 %d %d 1\n",d,d),i=5;i<5+d*d;putchar(!_[++/*/__\/__\*/i]));}

89 or 99?

The following signature prints 89 for Ansi C and 99 for C99. From new://alt.lang.intercal, Subject: Two Programs.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){printf("%d\n",(int)(90-(-4.5//**/
         -4.5)));  return 0;}  /* ais523@?????????? */

Signature programs | home and email