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Walking near De Lutte
Today, I went walking near De Lutte. Temperatures were around 20° Celsius, which probably is
a record for this day around here. It is very likely the warmest birtday I
ever had. We found some common poppy flower (Papaver rhoaes?) along the road, which is a little rare during this
time of the year. I also took a
picture of cobweg on the grass reflecting the light of the sun and
a picture of some fungus with
some alga on it. Below a typical picture of the landscape around De Lutte.
I also tested GPSLogger for
Android from Mendhak on FJFgalaxy, a Galaxy Tab 3, while keeping it inside my
dark green UPPTÄCKA backpack from IKEA. In the evening, I cleaned-up
the the track a little (and later added some hand drawn lines for the
walking). The result in Google Earth:
KML file or
in Google Maps.
At 14:43:29, I bought the following three books from bookshop Broekhuis:
- Een liefde in Parijs by Remco Campert, ISBN:9789023440475,
for € 4.95.
- O vermiljoenen spleet! by Bart van Loo, ISBN:9789085424956,
for € 5.00.
- Jan Wolkers Foto by Steye Raviez, ISBN:9789023425359,
for € 7.90.
Little magnolia plant
This morning, I took a picture
of our little magnolia plant. In the past months
it did not grow any new leaves and it seems that the leaves are withering.
The leaves that have turned brown did so a long time ago, maybe because I gave
it too much water. I have decided to keep the plant inside this winter hoping
that it would just continue to grow, but it seems that although it is not
exposed to cold it seems to responde to the lower levels of light in the
winter time.
The Essence Language
Yesterday evening, I read The Essence Language, version 2, which was pointed to by someone involved
in the project when I made some reference to the knowledge enginering
level in Four levels of modelling of information
systems. The ideas in Essence (as the authors state) are very similar to
metapatterns, a method for conceptual modelling by Pieter Wisse, as he argues in In search of difference and Beware of the plagiarist!. I should note that these rebutals seem
to refer to version 1 of the Essence Language and that it is possible that
version 2 (and the once planned version 3) transcent metapatterns. The Essence
project has been terminated and most of the documents are no longer accessible.
I found The Essence Language, version 2 rather difficult to comprehend
because it is a language definition and from the definition it is not
immediately clear how it should be used. Later, I found
Essence taaldefinitie en denkwijze, the description of the first
version of the language in Dutch. This is much accessible because it also gives
examples of the usage of the language.
On closer inspection, I concluded that this form of concept modelling is
something different than what I called knowledge enginering. First of
all the knowledge enginering that I was talking about is on the instance level
not on the concept (or type) level. I am talking, for example, about the problems
that arise when two independent source use different ways to identify shared
objects and that a matching should be explicitely stored to be able to correct
mistakes if they are discovered. In the document about the first version of
Essence there is a section that talks about merging of concepts. However, they
there is no mechanism to specify on which ground the merging was based. Which
in fact is a little surprising in a formalism that gives such a strong focus
on the ground and context of concepts. It show again, that this form of two
level reasoning about statements, is difficult to grasp.
Assigning students to projects
Yesterday, Meindert asked if I knew how
to assign students to projects based on preferences. He had 28 students and
seven projects and wanted to assign four students to each project. Yesterday
and tonight, I spend some time developing a page
using JavaScript to implement two algorithms
for doing this.
Flight of Curlews
This morning, I received the book Waarom de wereld niet
bestaat (Why the world does not exist) by Markus Gabriel as a present from Meindert. This evening, I discovered that Gabriel Vacariu claims that Markus Gabriel plagiarized his ideas.
This afternoon at 15:07:45, I bought the novel Een vlucht regenwulpen
(Flight of Curlews) by Maarten 't Hart from bookshop
Broekhuis for € 12.50. The book has an autograph of the
Why the world does not exist
This morning, I decided to stop reading the book
Waarom de wereld niet bestaat (Why the world does not exist) by
Markus Gabriel
at page 119 and send the book back to Meindert. I started reading this book a week ago. I
believe that Gabriel comes to his strange conclusions, for example that the
world does not exist because of the way he defines things in a rather
simplistic matter. It seems he presumes that there is but one kind of
existence for both things in reality and ideas in the mind.
This afternoon, I visited Tetem. I was
quite impressed by the exhibition Impulsief with works from various
artist from a number of private collection. For pictures about the works
and the opening download this ZIP-file. I was most impressed by the following works:
Untitled Harsh Noise Graphic Novel
This morning, a copy of Untitled Harsh Noise Graphic Novel by
Cementimental arrived in the mail,
which I had ordered from The book has 300 pages. The only text on the front and
the spine is the word "Cementimental". On the last page it has the
number 415520-546817 below a barcode. On it says: "Harsh Noise
album in paperback form. Pixel noise art generated using various generative
and/or expressionist processes in the ancient Mac software LightningPaint."
On Cementimal's
page about the book it reads: "Surrealist book-object; harsh noise album
in paperback form. 300 pages of pixel-noisescapes, created soley using the
antique mac paint app LightningPaint." LightningPaint is shareware replacement of MacPaint for the Apple
Macintosh. It can still be downloaded. It was written in Lightspeed C
The unconscious mind
At I bought the book Het slimme onbewuste: denken met gevoel
(translated The clever subconscious mind: thinking
with feeling) by Ap Dijksterhuis, ISBN:9789035129689 for € 11.50 from
bookshop Broekhuis.
Lucide dream
I had a lucide dream this morning. It is a very long time ago, that during a dream
I realized that I was dreaming. Usually, it is in a kind of nightmare dream, and
when this happens, it usually means that I woke up. But this morning, I wanted to
go outside, but it was raining. Then I thought about how the rain would stop if I
would think it away. Just a little later, I realized that I was having a lucide
dream, and I thought about how I could now change everything in my dream, but I
felt that it was not proper to do. I cannot remember what happend next, so I guess
I continued sleeping. It was only some time after I woke up that I remembered having
had a lucide dream. I do not know why is happened. Maybe it is related to me reading
a book about the unconscious mind or because I was shortly
awaken by my Klockis going of at 6:15.
At 17:01:07, I bought the following two books from bookshop Broekhuis:
This months interesting links
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