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Diary, September 2024

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Sunday, September 1, 2024

I²C for BadgerOS (Part 2)

Yesterday, I wrote the first part of I²C for BadgerOS. Today, I continue a bit further in understanding how it works. The functions called in the file managed_i2c.c are found in the file i2c.c of the Espressif IoT Development Framework. The functions i2c_write_reg and i2c_read_req, each build a list of 'commands' which are then executed by calling the function i2c_master_cmd_begin. This function also calls the function i2c_master_cmd_begin_static for sending the commands to the hardware calling various i2c_ll_ functions, which are platform specific. For the ESP32-C6 these are found in the file hal/esp32c6/include/hal/i2c_ll.h. The letters hal stands for hardware abstraction layer. I guess that the letters ll stand for low-level.

Monday, September 2, 2024

I²C for BadgerOS (Part 3)

From studying all the files, yesterday and the day before, I am still puzzled with some things. I went back to the Hackerhotel 2024 CH32V003 firmware repository and noticed that the function I2C1_EV_IRQHandler in the i2c_slave.h is nowhere called in the code. I presume that it is called from 'hidden' part of the firmware that is provided as a binary. I wanted to know if multiple I2C_STAR1_ values can be set. The code suggest that it might be the case, using multiple parallel if-statements and the bitwise-and operator. When I googled for I2C1_EV_IRQHandler, I found that it is also used in code to program microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics. There the use of chained if-else-statements seems to suggest to always at most one flag is set. (This is not particular good code design, to use bit-flags for excluding values. Maybe designed with the idea of that in the future they might occur at the same time.) So, if I understand it correctly there are two types of interactions on the I²C bus: On the I²C bus both operations start with a byte specifying the identifier of the slave peripheral and a bit-flag specifying whether it is a write or a read operation. (This is for the 7-bit address mode. For the 10-bit address mode, two bytes are used.)

The code of the function i2c_master_cmd_begin_static is not so easy to understand. One reason that is that it not only called from the function i2c_master_cmd_begin but also from the function i2c_isr_handler_default, which is the interupt handler that is called when reading, when the command is longer than the size of the FIFO hardware buffers, and/or when other events occur. The function starts with some code for dealing with a read command. The low-level function i2c_ll_read_rxfifo is used to read information from the FIFO read buffer that is filled during receiving the data over the I²C bus. For the ESP32C6 this is done by reading from a certain memory location that maps on a hardware register and which, I presume, also removes the value from the buffer. In the while-loop, the commands are processed, calling the function i2c_ll_write_cmd_reg to tell the hardware about the function to perform.

Is there anything to improve on this implementation? I wonder if instead of using a linked list for storing information about the command, where the elements are allocated one-by-one, it would be possible to use an array that is allocated on the stack or as a global variable. It states that the function i2c_master_cmd_begin only return after all the commands have been sent out (or when the specified time-out period is reached). I also guess, that when this needs to be implemented in BadgerOS, that some of the primitives, such as the locking and the event queues, that are used, need to be replaced by equivalent primitives in the kernel of BadgerOS. As the I²C bus is usually used to read out input and output devices on the badge, that the code to access those devices will need to be implemented as a service running within the kernel and that the process (that has the 'focus') will have access to those through a system call implemented by the kernel. When that is the case, the code cannot be 'blocking' in anyway and probably has to run in parallel with other code that communicates with peripheral, such as for example, WIFI. I do not have a clear picture how that should be implemented.

29.5° Celsius

The temperature at Twenthe Airport has gone up to 29.5° Celsius, which breaks the previous record of 29.2° on this date in 1991.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hokuyo URG-04LX-UGO01 lidar

I am trying to get some data from a URG-04LX-UG01, which is a URG-04LX Scanning Laser Range Finder (Speccification that has a mirco-USB port. The scan area is a 240° semicircle with a maximum radius of 4 meter. The pitch angle is 0.36° and the sensor outputs the distance measured at 683 different angles. The laser beam diameter is less than 1 cm at 1 meter distance. I read that the angular resolution is configurable by the host. URG Series: Communication Protocol Specification.

After the usual trouble, I managed to build the hokuyoaist_example program from the gbiggs/HokuyoAIST github repository. For this you first need to install Doxygen, Sphinx, the Sphinx Breathe plugin and Flexiport: Flexible communication library. Note that the later needs to be installed (with make install) before running cmake for HokuyoAIST. When I run the program, without any arguments, it does return a lot of messages, including error messages, but I do not see anything that looks like data. On linux you can also just simply connect to it with minicom using the following command:

minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 -b 19200
You can use the keystroke sequence 'Ctrl-A z u' to add a carriage return after each life-feed as the sensor will only return line-feed characters. Now you can enter command such as 'VV', 'PP', 'II' and 'GD0100020002' (followed by an enter) to retrieve information or data from the device. I looked into the code and I discovered a bug in the method hokuyoaist::ScanData::as_string where an unsigned integer was initialized with -1. When I changed that to 0, the program does show data. If you are given it clustring value (with the '-c' command line option) the range should be a multiple of this, otherwise an error is reported.

Tombstone diagram experiment

Today, I have been experimenting with visualizing Live-bootstrap using tombstone diagrams (or T-diagrams) where each T-shaped diagram represents on process that is executed. Below the result of this experiment, which only rather incomplete and not well aligned. It is incomplete because it only gives the initial thirdteen processes. Also I still have to add connect lines. I am thinking about calculate all the coordinates based on the positions of the elements based on the widths of the texts. I also have to think about how to list the input files. Some of processes have multiple input files, which can be a mixture of files produced by other steps and given input files. Some input files are used as input for multiple processes. The grey boxes are used to visualize the execution of processes by other process. Dragging and zooming with the mouse can be used to view the whole diagram.

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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Chestnut and musterd seeds

At 12:19, Conny gave my a large chestnut she just found on the street. This evening, I went to Herenboeren Usserler Es to help, with about twenty other members, to harvest the musterd seeds. We had to strip the pods with the seeds from the leaves and break open the pods. We used some sieves to seperate the seeds from the pods and bits of branches. The result needed more processing. We guessed that we had harvest about 4 kilo of musterd seeds. We were also allowed to get ourselves some buckwheat plants. They did not contain much seeds and might need some more time before they are to be harvest.

Friday, September 6, 2024


On the way to Amsterdam, I first visted Utrecht where I went to bookshop Steven Sterk and Aleph books. In Amsterdam, I took the Metro line M52 to Rokin and walked to bookshop Scheltema. The section with ramsj books has moved to a different location on the top floor and has been reorganized, which felt like an improvement. I few floors lower, I found the book Strange Code: Esoteric Languages That Make Programming Fun Again by Ronald T. Kneusel and when I paged through the Chapter 10, which about Brainfuck, I found my name printed on page 293 with a link to my pages about it. Next, I paid a short visited to bookshop De Slegte, walked over the open air bookmarket on Het Spui, and visited the American Book Center. From there I walked to Galerie Ron Mandos to see the exhibition Best of Graduates 2024. I found the works of the following graduates noteworthy in the order I saw them:

Next, I walked to gallery andriesse & eyck to see the exhibition Colour Changes in Two and Three Dimensions 1979-2014 with works by Peter Struycken. Besides Peter Struycken, I talked with several people who I already knew. I also met with the artist Wilfried Lansink.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


At 13:50:19, I bought the following three books from charity shop Het Goed:


This year I am volunteering again for the GOGBOT festival. In the evening, I took the role of a guard/guide at Grote Kerk (the Large Church) where in the main hall there were two large artworks: In the tower of the church there the artwork Dépaysement by Isabel Waller.

Friday, September 13, 2024


This afternoon, I did my second volunteer shift at the information desk. There were not many people. I did watch Kees de Groot finish his art work. After the shift, I went to Rijksmuseum Twenthe where I (rather quickly) walked through the exhibition Gogbot x RMT (also called: The Tec Divide, where I saw the following art works: I also walked through the exhibition PLANETART ARCHIVES X Kees de Groot 1978-2003. I am probably going to revisit these exhibitions at a later time. I went back to the city center where I saw the following art works, which are part of GOGBOT: After having dinner at home, I went back in the evening and watched:

Saturday, September 14, 2024


I again did a volunteer shift at GOGBOT handing out program flyers near the entrences. At 16:07, I bought the book P.L.A.N.E.T.A.R.T. The History of Kees de Groot and PLANETART 1978 - 2004 written by Lars van der Miesen in English and published by PLANETART Publishers in 2024, ISBN:97890903888144, from underbelly for € 20.00. It is the catalogue with the exhibition PLANETART ARCHIVES X Kees de Groot 1978-2003 and the online PLANETART Archive.

Sunday, September 15, 2024


This afternoon, I did my last volunteer shift for this year of the GOGBOT festival. I took the role of a guard/guide at Grote Kerk (the Large Church) again, but now it was during the day instead of during the evening as on the first day. I think a different type of public came to visit the church. More elderly people and familis with young children. Going from the bright outside into a dark church caused many to not enter the mail hall of the church afraid to tripping. I told people that there were no thresholds and/or that the floor was flat. Some people, primarily young children, found the lights of the Depth Array work scarry. However, I did notice a wide range in reactions.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tombstone diagram for live-bootstrap

In the past weeks, I have been working on generating tombstone diagrams (or T-diagrams) for Live-bootstrap based on the output produced by strace. I have published the results here on github. You can zoom and pan with the mouse. If you click on a process (T-shaped) or a file, it will show additional information. If you click on a link in the additional information, the process or file will be centered in the diagram and highlighted with a yellow back-ground.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Self-driving wheelchairs

Today, in the news, there was an item about self-driving wheelchairs on Amsterdam Airprot Schiphol. These are produced by WHILL Inc.. They have some repositories on GitHub. There is a repository about fiducual markers, which also has a reference to fiducuals on With fiducial markers placed on the ceiling, it is possible to determine the position of a wheelchair using a small camera. I also had to think about Dynamicaland where markers are used to determine the location of documents and/or cards on a table.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Japanese newspaper

Some days ago, we received a bottle of Nin Jion Pei Pa Koa that we had ordered online. It came with a box with a Japanese paper. Today, I found the link printed on the front page, which is the 'last' for English readers. Japanese number the pages in the reverse order. On the first pages the text on the lines runs from top to bottom and the lines run from right-to-left. On the latter pages the text on the lines runs from left-to-right with lines going top-down. The link is to the website of the Japanese paper Chunichi Shimbun. It is the issue from April 2 this year. On page 16, I recognize a sudoku puzzle. It looks like there are also a Shogi and a Majong related puzzles.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

World of Industry, Technology & Science

I visited the World of Industry, Technology & Science exhibition the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. I spend a large part of my time there flashing firmware to the gadget of the World of Electronics, an environmental sensor with a solar cell that can be placed outside and is ready to send measurement data to openSenseMap. Visitors who had registered for the gadget had to visit a number of stands to collect the various parts and then have the firmware flashed. The gadget is build around a SMT32L072RZ and has the following sensors: temperature, humidity, a microphone (to measure sound levels), and a volatile organic compound gas sensort, with the posibility to add a SEN5x environmental sensor node for HVAC and air quality applications. I took a floor plan home.

After the exhibition, I walked into the center and visited the Steven Sterk bookshop, where at 17:48, I bought the book Brieven, dagboeken en een geheime liefde with letters, diary notes, and a novel by Laurie Langenbach with an introduction by Rutger Vahl, written in Dutch and published by Singel Uitgeverijen in 2017, ISBN:9789029511834, for € 12.50.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hackfest: Day 1

Around 12, I arrived at Hackfest, which is held here in Enschede. I met several people, I had not seen before. At 13:00, I joined the lecture You Need a Hackerspace! by Mitch Altman (on YouTube). At 14:00, I joined the lecture Introductie MQTT, Tasmota & Node-RED by Ad (CrazyA) (on YouTube, in Dutch). At 15:00, I joined the lecture Dutch (home) computer history by Bart van den Akker from Home Computer Museum (on YouTube in Dutch) with some interesting facts about the Dutch history with respect to home computers. I learned that the Netherlands was the first to have an educational television series by Teleac in 1978 about the mircoprocessor given by Chriet Titulaer. The lecture also mentioned the Aesthedes a computer graphics or computer-aided design system that was introduced to the market in 1984. I talked with some old friends and missed the first part of the lecture Ravi the theatre robot by Edwin Dertien, a very interesting talk (on YouTube). Afterwards, I talked a bit with him. The last talk, I went to see was 28 kinds of uncertainty in science and technology, by Frau Heisenberg (on YouTube in Dutch). It was not very long, but quite funny. At 19:30, I followed with half a eye, the demoscene showcase by Okkie. Between 20:30 and 22:00, I also watched the live coding for fun with TIC-80. There were four people joining in this. Some had more experience than others. It looked like fun but I do not know if I would like to join in the next time. For the recording (with music) see: HackFest Byte Jam 2024.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hackfest: Day 2

At 11:00, I attended the lecture Building your own ISP _or_ How to become sovereign on the internet by Nick Bouwhuis (on YouTube in Dutch). At 12:00, I gave my lecture The live-bootstrap project (on YouTube in Dutch). I spend some talking with various people including some of the makers at their booths, such as: At 15:00, I joined the lecture Live & work without Google, Meta, Apple or Microsoft? It can be done! by Björn Wijers. At 16:00, I listen to the lecture Verifiable Computing Project – Building Truly Open Source Hardware by Joyce Ng (Presentation, on YouTube).

On the way home, I bought some gerkins and sour herring for the curly kail hotchpotch Conny had prepared.

This months interesting links

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