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In the past years, I have become a sceptic strongly doubting the existance of a super natural reality. This means that I no longer subscribe the contents of this page.

Jesus Christ

Jesus, Who existed in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God a thing to hold onto,
but made himself of no importance,
taking the form of a bond-servant,
being made in the likeness of men.

And being found in appearance as a man,
He humbled Himself,
and became obedient unto death,
even death of the cross.

Therefore God also has highly exalted Him,
and given Him a name which is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
of those who are in heaven,
and on earth,
and under the earth;
and that every tongue should confess:
"Jesus Christ is LORD",
to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:5-11

The Lamb and the Lion

One of the most beautifull expositions of Jesus Christ is given in The Excellency of Christ, a sermon by Jonathan Edwards.

To love Jesus

A few years after I became a Christian someone remarked to me that the Christian faith was all about Jesus Christ. Although this seems a rather obvious remark, at that time I realized that most of the time people calling themselves Christians are talking about other things. And I too belonged to those people.

In 1985, when I was in Ocean City, New Jersey, on a summer project with a large group of Christian students with the purpose of sharing the gospel and receive training, there was a girl asking me some riddle about the most important man in my life. I was somewhat stuned when she answered: Jesus. Simply because I had not thought about Him.

I have often asked myself the question: why Jesus? We as Christians are told to love Jesus. Yes, He has done a lot that gives us reason to love Him. Yet it often seems so abstract to say that you love Him. To be honest, I do not like songs with lines like: "I love you Jesus", simply because I do not feel like that. Yes, I know there is enough reason to thank Him for what He has done for me, but that does not mean that you love Him.

One day, when I was praying, God seemed so far away, unreachable for me. Then when I thought of Jesus, I suddenly realize that He was the gate to God, the full expression of God. He is called the Word, the Word throught which the universe was made. And yet He had become man and lived on earth to make free the road to God. Yes, with respect to God, He is the only one we need.

Sometimes, I was jealous of women, because for them it seems so much more natural to love Jesus, as He is a man. And indeed, if you read the gospels it seems as it are the women who love Jesus most, or at least express their love most clearly. Nowhere you read about men kissing the feets of Jesus and washing His feets with their tears.

Only lately, I realized that I, as a man, find in Him the perfect example of how I should be. And what is more, how I can become like Him, throught the Holy Spirit, which He has sent to us to be with us. Now I faintly begin to understand that I can adore Him, look-up to Him, admire Him, and respect Him. And that too is a way of loving Him.
